Researchers focused on mental health of conflict-affected children are increasingly interested in the concept of resilience. Knowledge on resilience may assist in developing interventions aimed at improving positive outcomes or reducing negative outcomes, termed promotive or protective interventions....
This technical brief presents the current options for safe storage and point of use water treatment. It is intended to help field staff working in a variety of locations to decide upon the most appropriate course of action for providing safe water for the communities in which they work. The effectiv...eness of household water treatment options now and in the future rely to a huge extent on user compliance; it is critical that users are involved in the decision making process, and are aware of the purpose, how to use, maintain and manage their household water options. The brief therefore details relevant hygiene promotion steps for the different treatment options.
This gender analysis was conducted to understand the different risks and vulnerabilities but also opportunities and skills for Rohingya and host community women, men, boys and girls. Data collection was conducted over three weeks from 8 April to 29 April 2018. The work aimed to identify the differen...t needs, concerns, risks and vulnerabilities of women, girls, boys and men in both Rohingya refugee communities and host communities in the Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh. The analysis shows various gaps in the humanitarian response for both communities, especially in terms of accountability, communication with affected communities and disaster preparedness, but also in equitable access to services, in particular for women and girls, and especially for the Rohingya community. The key findings are presented below, along with recommendations for action.
Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosisand patient care
2017 Update
The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities examines the barriers – from inaccessible buildings to dismissive attitudes, from invisibility in official statistics to vicious discrimination – that deprive children with disabilities of their rights and keep them from partic...ipating fully in society. The report also lays out some of the key elements of inclusive societies that respect and protect the rights of all children, regardless of disability, and progress in helping all children to flourish and make their contribution to the world.
Im Ausland zu leben und zu arbeiten, ist eine Gelegenheit, eine vollkommen andere Lebens-weise kennenzulernen. Als zurückgekehrte/-r Freiwillige/-r der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit kannst du diesen Erfahrungsschatz nutzen, um zu Hause bei anderen Menschen ein Bewusstsein für globale Themen zu schaff...en. Durch die Mit-arbeit an einem Projekt während deines Freiwilli-gendienstes hast du eine praktische Sichtweise auf die Auswirkungen und Ursachen von Armut und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit gewonnen, die viele andere nicht haben. Das macht dich als Vermitt-lerIn zwischen dem globalen Süden und Norden glaubwürdig und als BerichterstatterIn authen-tisch. Worin entwicklungspolitisches Engagement von Deutschland aus bestehen kann, dazu möchte dieses Handbuch Anregungen geben.
The aim of the WHO QualityRights tool kit is to support countries in assessing and
improving the quality and human rights of their mental health and social care facilities.
The tool kit is based on an extensive international review by people with mental disabilities
and their organizations. It ha...s been pilot-tested in low-, middle- and high-income
countries and is designed to be applied in all of these resource settings.
In this tool kit, the term ‘people with mental disabilities’ can include those with mental,
neurological or intellectual impairments and those with substance use disorders.
Humanitäre Charta und Mindeststandards in der humanitären Hilfe
Das Sphere-Handbuch stellt einen grundsatzbasierten Ansatz für Qualität und Verantwortlichkeit in der humanitären Hilfe dar. Es beinhaltet eine praktische Anwendung der Grundüberzeugung von Sphere, dass alle von einer Katastrophe... oder einem Konflikt betroffenen Menschen ein Recht auf ein Leben in Würde und das Recht auf humanitäre Hilfe haben.
The Department of Basic Education recognises the need to help parents and guardians get through this lockdown period as effectively as possible. This simple set of guidelines is designed to provide advice and strategies to help parents support their children at this time