The primary role of Benin’s Department of Pharmacy and Medicines (DPMED) is to develop and apply the national pharmaceutical policy. The main objective of this policy is to ensure the availability and accessibility of quality medicines for the population. To fulfill its mandate, DPMED aims to stre...ngthen its regulatory capacity, including the issuance of licenses to pharmaceutical establishments and the registration of pharmaceutical products. Benin’s current registration system shares core concerns that are common to most developing countries, notably the capacity to evaluate and monitor the security, efficacy, and quality of medicines and other health products. It is currently characterized by 1) poor or inadequate traceability of records or regulations (example: a product’s marketing authorization [MA] is often hard to find); 2) lack of evidence used in the regulatory decision-making process (reasons behind special import authorization, i.e., products without valid MAs); 3) inconsistent and unsecured archiving system; 4) limited human resources; and 5) an inefficient information management system
Key questions
What is already known?
Critical illness is common throughout the world and COVID-19 has caused a global surge of critically ill patients.
There are large gaps in the quality of care for critically ill patients, especially in low-staffed and low-resourced settings, and mortal...ity rates are high.
Essential Emergency and Critical Care (EECC) is the effective lifesaving care of low-cost and low-complexity that all critically ill patients should receive in all wards in all hospitals in the world.
What are the new findings?
The clinical processes that comprise EECC and the essential care of critically ill patients with COVID-19 have been specified in a large consensus among clinical experts worldwide.
The resource requirements for hospitals to be ready to provide this care has been described.
What do the new findings imply?
The findings can be used across medical specialties in hospitals worldwide to prioritise and implement essential care for reducing preventable deaths.
Inclusion of the EEEC processes could increase the impact of pandemic preparedness and response programmes and policies for health systems strengthening.
One of the principles underpinning the delivery of all essential services and coordination of those services is the “survivor-centered approach”, which places the human rights, needs, and wishes of women and girl survivors at the centre of service delivery.
A key challenge faced by many entit...ies working to end violence against women is ensuring that survivors’ voices and inputs are incorporated into policies, practices, and procedures on response. Survivors have diverse needs and face different risks. Not all women and girls experience violence in the same way. An effective intervention takes into account the realities of their unique circumstances, addresses individual needs, and reduces the risk for further harm and suffering.
UN Women, together with Global Rights for Women, have developed “Safe consultations with survivors of violence against women and girls”, which is designed to provide practical steps, safety measures, and actions that government agencies, civil society and survivor organizations, and United Nations’ entities can take to incorporate survivors' voices into systemic reform efforts, through safe and meaningful consultations.
This guidance is intended to help policymakers develop survivor-centered programming on ending violence against women and girls that meets the needs of diverse groups of women and girls, including those who are at higher risk of experiencing violence and discrimination. It is applicable to programming across the health, justice and policing, and social services sectors, as well as coordination of these sectors, and will help improve the standard and delivery of essential services for women and girls who have experienced violence.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the second common cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounting for about 35% of all deaths, after a composite of communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases. Despite prior perception of low NCDs mortality rates, current evidence suggests t...hat SSA is now at the dawn of the epidemiological transition with contemporary double burden of disease from NCDs and communicable diseases. In SSA, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the most frequent causes of NCDs deaths, responsible for approximately 13% of all deaths and 37% of all NCDs deaths. Although ischemic heart disease (IHD) has been identified as the leading cause of CVDs mortality in SSA followed by stroke and hypertensive heart disease from statistical models, real field data suggest IHD rates are still relatively low. The neglected endemic CVDs of SSA such as endomyocardial fibrosis and rheumatic heart disease as well as congenital heart diseases remain unconquered. While the underlying aetiology of heart failure among adults in high-income countries (HIC) is IHD, in SSA the leading causes are hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, and congenital heart diseases. Of concern is the tendency of CVDs to occur at younger ages in SSA populations, approximately two decades earlier compared to HIC. Obstacles hampering primary and secondary prevention of CVDs in SSA include insufficient health care systems and infrastructure, scarcity of cardiac professionals, skewed budget allocation and disproportionate prioritization away from NCDs, high cost of cardiac treatments and interventions coupled with rarity of health insurance systems. This review gives an overview of the descriptive epidemiology of CVDs in SSA, while contrasting with the HIC and highlighting impediments to their management and making recommendations.
English Analysis on World and 26 other countries about Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Drought, Epidemic and more; published on 26 Oct 2021 by WMO
This pocket book is a 317 page summary of the emergency components of obstetrics and resuscitation of the newborn infant from our textbook "International Maternal & Childhealth Care - A practical manual for hospitals worldwide". The reader is referred to the textbook when more details on the medical... problem under consideration are required.
If you work in a hospital in a low income country - providing free care - you are probably intitled to FREE copies of these books. MCAI will send them to you, all you have to do is to read our Flyer and fill in the request form.
This 277 page pocketbook is a summary of the emergency components of basic neonatal and older infants hospital care from our 900 page textbook “International Maternal & Childhealth Care. A practical manual for hospitals worldwide”.
If you work in a hospital in a low income country - providin...g free care - you are probably intitled to FREE copies of these books. MCAI will send them to you, all you have to do is to read our Flyer and fill in the request form.
Rev Inic Cient e Ext. 2020; 3(2): 483-94; Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa que tem como referencial teórico estudos de abordagem sindrômica dos problemas sobre a temática da recusa vacinal e o movimento antivacinação e os mitos que norteiam essa prática.
Conclusão: O mo...vimento antivacinal traz consequências de saúde, sendo a vacinação um importante meio de prevenção de doenças imunopreveníveis,eos profissionais de saúde e autoridades de saúde são fundamentais na disseminação de notícias fidedignas e educacionais acerca das vacinas.
A aplicação da tecnologia digital de saúde está crescendo rapidamente na África, com o
objetivo de melhorar a prestação de serviços de saúde e alcançar de forma mais eficaz
comunidades remotas e carentes. A falta de diretrizes e padrões habilitadores em todo o
continente, por outro ...lado, dificulta o compartilhamento de dados de forma significativa em
todo o continente. Considerando isso, os Centros Africanos de Controle e Prevenção de
Doenças (CDC África) estabeleceram uma força-tarefa de 24 membros para fornecer
experiência e orientação no desenvolvimento de diretrizes e padrões da AU HIE. Os membros
da força-tarefa eram especialistas no assunto que trabalhavam na África e
internacionalmente na coleta, análise e troca de informações de saúde. Alguns desses
especialistas estiveram envolvidos em consultas anteriores sobre a definição da estratégia de
sistemas de informação de saúde do CDC África. Um presidente, copresidente e secretário
foram eleitos para envolver os membros da força-tarefa em diferentes grupos de trabalho
A Learning Programme for Professionals
Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2014 (ENCOVI 2014)
La Perspectiva Mundial sobre la Diversidad Biológica (PMB) es la principal publicación del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB). Se trata de un informe periódico que resume los datos más recientes sobre la situación y las tendencias de la biodiversidad y extrae conclusiones pertinentes... para la aplicación ulterior del Convenio.
La GBO-5 ofrece un resumen global de los progresos realizados en la consecución de las Metas de Aichi para la Diversidad Biológica y se basa en una serie de indicadores, estudios de investigación y evaluaciones (en particular la Evaluación Mundial de la Diversidad Biológica y los Servicios de los Ecosistemas de la IPBES), así como en los informes nacionales presentados por los países sobre su aplicación del CDB. Los informes nacionales proporcionan una rica información sobre las medidas adoptadas en los países de todo el mundo en apoyo de la conservación de la biodiversidad, el uso sostenible y el reparto justo y equitativo de los beneficios. Este conjunto de información proporciona una gran cantidad de información sobre los éxitos y los desafíos en la aplicación del Plan Estratégico para la Diversidad Biológica 2011-2020 y en la consecución de las Metas de Aichi para la Diversidad Biológica.
Esta Perspectiva se basa en las lecciones aprendidas durante las dos primeras décadas de este siglo para aclarar las transiciones necesarias si queremos hacer realidad la visión acordada por los gobiernos del mundo para 2050, "Vivir en armonía con la naturaleza".
Despite the increasing uptake of information and communication technologies (ICT) within healthcare services across developing countries, community healthcare workers (CHWs) have limited knowledge to fully utilise computerised clinical systems and mobile apps. The ‘Introduction to Information and ...Communication Technology and eHealth’ course was developed with the aim to provide CHWs in Malawi, Africa, with basic knowledge and computer skills to use digital solutions in healthcare delivery. The course was delivered using a traditional and a blended learning approach.