This compilation of publications focuses on Core Competencies needed for implementing a One Health approach.
Key figures (to date)
• 168,254 people affected in Cabo Delgado and 900 people affected in Nampula (preliminary estimates from INGC)
• 35,000 houses partially or destroyed
• 37,696 people hosted in accommodation centers throughout the province
• 9 districts identified in Cabo Delgado and... 4 in Nampula as the most impacted
• 11,422 affected people assisted
Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back
The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find ways for displaced people in Myanmar to be able to return home and recover their property and pos...sessions.
Mental health conditions affect one in 10 people at any one time and account for a large proportion of non-fatal disease burden. There is a high degree of comorbidity between mental health conditions such as depression and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, diab...etes and alcohol-use disorders. Mental disorders share common features with other NCDs, including many underlying causes and overarching consequences, their high interdependency and tendency to co-occur, and their predilection to being best managed using integrated approaches.
The official death toll has risen to 518 people as of 1 April, according to the Government.
• More than 1,000 cases of cholera and one death have been reported.
• Nearly 110,000 houses have been identified by the authorities as totally destroyed (59,910), partially destroyed (33,925) or floode...d (15,784).
• As of 31 March, nearly 33,000 people had been reached with some type of shelter assistance
The figures and findings reflected in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) represent the independent analysis
of the United Nations (UN) and its humanitarian partners based on information available to them. While the HNO aims
to provide consolidated humanitarian analysis and data to help inf...orm joint strategic humanitarian planning, many of
the figures provided throughout the document are estimates based on sometimes incomplete and partial data sets using
the methodologies for collection that were available at the time. The Government of Syria has expressed its reservations
over the data sources and methodology of assessments used to inform the HNO, as well as on a number of HNO findings.
Emerging evidence and experience to inform risk management in a warming world
The Government has declared a national emergency and three days of national mourning starting on 20 March. The official death toll from Cyclone Idai’s landfall has reportedly risen to at least 202 and is expected to increase in the days ahead.Flood waters are predicted to rise significantly in ...the coming days and 350,000 people are at risk. The town of Buzi – home to 200,000 people – is at risk of becoming at least partially submerged.
The goal of the strategy is to prevent seasonal influenza, control the spread of influenza from animals to humans, and prepare for the next influenza pandemic.
The new strategy is the most comprehensive and far-reaching that WHO has ever developed for influenza. It outlines a path to protect popul...ations every year and helps prepare for a pandemic through strengthening routine programmes.
Molecular methods for antimicrobial resistance (AMR)diagnostics to enhance the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System