Recency assays use one or more biomarkers to identify whether HIV infection in a person is recent (usually within a year or less) or longstanding. Recency assays have been used to estimate incidence in representative cross-sectional surveys and in epidemiological studies to better understand the pat...terns and distributions of new and longstanding HIV infections.
This technical guidance outlines best practices regarding the appropriate use of HIV recency assays for surveillance purposes and updates 2011 technical guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) on the use of HIV recency assays.
The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization held a meeting on 3-6 October 2022. This report summarizes the discussions, conclusions and recommendations.
It covers the following items:
Global Reports
Immunization Agenda 2030 and Regional reports
COVID-19 vacci...nes
Polio vaccination
Ebola (Sudan ebolavirus outbreak update)
Chagas disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is a public health issue in Latin America. This highly diverse parasite is divided into at least seven discrete typing units (DTUs) TcI-TcVI and Tcbat. Some DTUs have been associated with geographical distribution in epidemiological scenarios and clinical m...anifestations, but these aspects remain poorly understood. Many studies have focused on studying the parasite and its vectors/hosts, using a wide variety of genetic markers and methods. Here, we performed a systematic review of the literature for the last 20 years to present an update of DTUs distribution in the Americas, collecting ecoepidemiological information. We found that the DTUs are widespread across the continent and that there is a whole gamma of genetic markers used for the identification and genotyping of the parasite. The data obtained in this descriptor could improve the molecular epidemiology studies of Chagas disease in endemic regions.
Este manual se ha elaborado en el marco de la Iniciativa Global de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para el Cáncer Infantil, CureAll Americas, con el propósito de mejorar la situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con cáncer en todo el mundo, para que puedan tener las mejores po...sibilidades de sobrevida, disfrutar de una vida plena y, sobre todo, alcanzar la mejor calidad de vida posible y morir sin sufrimiento. Está dirigido a los profesionales de la salud que se dedican al tratamiento de pacientes oncológicos pediátricos y que, directa o indirectamente, deben enfrentarse con las complicaciones que pueda causar el tratamiento a todos los niveles. Su contenido puede contribuir a la realización de un diagnóstico más certero de las alteraciones de la cavidad oral, así como al desarrollo de estrategias para la prevención y el tratamiento de estas manifestaciones. No se establecen orientaciones directas para responsables parentales ni cuidadores, pero sí se presenta información que sirve como guía para el cuidado bucal, de acuerdo con la estructura y la composición de los equipos de los distintos centros de tratamiento contra el cáncer.
Les directives 2021 de l’European Resuscitation Council (ERC - Conseil Européen de Réanimation) sont fondées sur une série de revues systématiques, sur la revue du champ d'application, et sur les mises à jour des évidences de sciences de l’ILCOR (International Liaison Commitee on Resuscit...ation). Elles présentent les directives les plus récentes, basées sur des données probantes, pour la pratique de la réanimation en Europe. Ces directives portent sur l’épidémiologie de l’arrêt cardiaque, le rôle que jouent les systèmes de secours pour sauver des vies, la réanimation chez l’adulte, tant en réanimation de base, qu'en réanimation avancée, la réanimation dans des circonstances spéciales, les soins postréanimation, les premiers secours, la réanimation néonatale et pédiatrique, l'éthique et l'enseignement.
Snakebite envenoming is a serious public health problem in Central America, where approximately 5,500 cases occur every year. Panama has the highest incidence and El Salvador the lowest. The majority, and most severe, cases are inflicted by the pit viper Bothrops asper (family Viperidae), locally kn...own as ‘terciopelo’, ‘barba amarilla’ or ‘equis’. About 1% of the bites are caused by coral snakes of the genus Micrurus (family Elapidae). Despite significant and successful efforts in Central America regarding snakebite envenomings in the areas of research, antivenom manufacture and quality control, training of health professionals in the diagnosis and clinical management of bites, and prevention of snakebites, much remains to be done in order to further reduce the impact of this medical condition. This essay presents seven challenges for improving the confrontation of snakebite envenoming in Central America. Overcoming these challenges demands a coordinated partnership of highly diverse stakeholders though inter-sectorial and inter-programmatic interventions.
The longlist of knowledge gaps is based on existing research agendas published in 2015 or later and expert input from reviewers of the first draft of the longlist. It only includes knowledge gaps focussing on a better
understanding of the relationship between global environmental change and human h...ealth, and finding an answer to the question of how best to protect human health against these new threats.
En 1998, la Cinquante-et-Unième Assemblée mondiale de la Santé a adopté la résolution
WHA51.11 qui vise l’élimination mondiale du trachome en tant que problème de santé publique
à l’horizon 2020 (1). La stratégie recommandée pour atteindre cet objectif est récapitulée dans
le sig...le « CHANCE » qui signifie CHirurgie pour les personnes atteintes de trichiasis
trachomateux (TT – le dernier stade cécitant du trachome) ; Antibiothérapie, Nettoyage du
visage et Changements Environnementaux (2). Les interventions relatives aux volets A, N et CE
sont menées dans des districts entiers dans lesquels les cas de trachome évolutif
(inflammatoire) sont courants, dans le but de traiter les infections oculaires dues à Chlamydia
trachomatis, l’agent pathogène à l’origine du trachome, et de réduire durablement sa
To support the achievement of health equity in the Region, the regional inter-agency movement Every Woman Every Child Latin America and the Caribbean (EWEC-LAC) advocates for and supports the use of equity and evidence-based policies, strategies and interventions to accelerate equitable progress in ...the health of women, children and adolescents. Although progress has been made, great inequities persist. Women from the LAC region’s poorest countries are almost four times more likely to die due to complications during childbirth than those living in the wealthiest countries. Through the years, several tools, instruments and methods (TIMs) have been developed by global, regional and country partners that can be used to conduct systematic equity-based analyses and/or re-designs of health systems, programs, strategies and interventions. The main purpose of this document is to present an overview of existing TIMs that can be used by policymakers, program managers, development partners, nongovernmental organizations, academia and civil society partners to strengthen systematic identification, analysis and responding to social inequities in the health of women, children and adolescents in LAC. The TIMs included were identified through a systematic search process
This brief update on tuberculosis (TB) in the African region covers the state of TB in the WHO African region, strategic priorities and targets and the impact of COVID-19 on essential services. This is followed by key figures for the region, the role of WHO in country support and, recognizing the im...portance of diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing, a focus onstrengthening laboratory networks and the regional laboratory and diagnostic objectives. A brief update of the state of the science and how this is funded across the African region is provided, before closing with challenges and opportunities,strategic directions and a brief discussion of funding concerns. Discussions around the drivers of the disease, and issues of the poverty, inequality and stigma that continue to plague those living with TB are fully recognized, but are outside the scope of this report.
Die Filme wurden produziert mit dem Ziel, Informationen über mögliche Folgen von traumatischen Ereignissen und entsprechende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu verbreiten.
Die Filme können kostenlos auf der Stiftungswebsite heruntergeladen werden.
This Manual covers all important aspects of echinococcosis, including parasite biology and life-cycles, geographic distribution and prevalence, epidemiology, clinical presentation in humans and animals, diagnosis and treatment, as well as control and prevention using newly developed tools and method...s. It also provides descriptions of important techniques and a large number of bibliographical references.
Essential obstetric and newborn care is designed as a tool to help protect mothers and their children in adverse environments. It is intended for midwives, doctors with obstetrics training, and health care personnel who deal with obstetric emergencies.
Guidelines of Mediastinum Tumor non Lymphoma
Guidelines for the Management and Therapy of Urinary Tract Infection and Male Genitalia in Indonesia
Bachelorarbeit - Departement: Gesundheit; Institut: Institut für Hebammen; Studienjahr: 2008; Eingereicht am: 20.05.2011; | Zielsetzung: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, Risikofaktoren, welche eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung infolge eines traumatischen Geburtserlebnisses begünstigen, zu analys...ieren.
Diese Studie liefert einschlägige Informationen aus erster Hand über die Lebenswirklichkeit von syrischen Kindern, die arbeiten müssen: in ihrem Heimatland, in den Nachbarstaaten oder in Europa. Der syrische Bürgerkrieg ist die schlimmste humanitäre Katastrophe unserer Zeit. Hunderttausende Men...schen – Erwachsene und Kinder – wurden getötet. Zwei Drittel aller Syrer haben ihr Zuhause und ihre Existenzgrundlage verloren. Millionen Syrer wurden aus ihrem Lebensumfeld gerissen und gezwungen, innerhalb ihres Landes oder in die Nachbarländer zu fliehen. Die enormen Auswirkungen auf andere Länder ziehen internationale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Diese richtet sich nicht nur auf die humanitäre Krise in den betroffenen Gebieten und Ländern, sondern auch auf deren wirtschaftliche und soziale Last. Das durch die verschiedenen Konfliktparteien verursachte Blutvergießen hält an, das Leid wird größer. Rund die Hälfte aller syrischen Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen sind Kinder und Jugendliche: Diese sind doppelt verletzlich – als Kinder und als Flüchtlinge oder Vertriebene.
Teil II beschreibt den wissenschaftlichen Sachstand zur Inflünzapandemieplanung und Inflünzapandemiebewältigung. Hierbei wird das RKI bei der Bewertung der wissenschaftlichen Informationen durch den Expertenbeirat Inflünza beraten. Der wissenschaftliche Teil dient als fachliche Grundlage... für Entscheidungen über Massnahmen zur Vorbereitung auf den Pandemiefall sowie Massnahmen im konkreten Pandemiefall.