La résistance à un antimicrobien survient quand un micro-organisme (bactérie, virus, champignon ou parasite), devient résistant à un médicament antimicrobien vis-à-vis duquel il était auparavant sensible . Cette résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM), concerne un large ...ventail d’agents infectieux, et de nombreux secteurs d’activités (santé humaine et animale, agro-industrie, élevage, environnement). Elle représente une menace croissante pour la santé publique et aucun pays n’est épargné. Il est particulièrement alarmant de constater la propagation rapide, dans le monde entier, des bactéries multirésistantes provoquant des infections courantes qui ne sont pas sensibles aux traitements antibiotiques habituellement utilisés, ainsi que des infections en particulier hospitalières, résistantes aux traitements antibiotiques de dernier recours . Le problème se pose actuellement en termes de développement durable : il dépasse largement le cadre de la santé humaine et interpelle le monde entier
Accessed on 31.03.2020
This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection needs are taken into ac...count in preparedness for, and during responses to, the outbreaks. The Guidance Note draws upon lessons learned during infectious disease outbreaks globally in a variety of contexts.
Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most important threats to the health worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance or drug resistance is the reduction of the pharmaceutical effects of a drug against a disease or reduction of its effectiveness in improving the clinical signs of a disease. Antimicrobial ...resistance occurs naturally but misuse of antibiotics in human and animals significantly accelerates the process of developing antimicrobial resistance. In fact, antimicrobial resistance refers to the resistance of a microorganism to one or more antimicrobial drugs which had been previously sensitive to these drugs. Antimicrobial resistance can occur in a wide variety of pathogens including bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, and cancer cells and may threaten the life of every person, in every age, and in every country
Antimicrobials have been a critical public health tool since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, saving the lives of millions of people around the world. Today, however, the emergence of drug resistance is reversing the miracles of the past eighty years, with drug choices for the treatment of many ...infections becoming increasingly limited, expensive, and, in some cases, non-existent.
Conscious of the public health threats of AMR to both humans, animals and the environment, the ministries of health and sanitation, agriculture forestry and food security and the environmental protection agency put together a national multi-sectoral coordinating group tasked with the responsibility of establishing mechanisms to integrate all initiatives into a single concerted action and development of the national AMR strategic plan (2018-2022). The National Strategic Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance is the first approach which addresses AMR specifically.
March – June 2020
This update: 3 April 2020
Qualitative assay for use on the cobas®6800/8800 Systems. For in vitro diagnostic use
Malgré les efforts de promotion des mutuelles de santé depuis une décennie et l’existence d’une vingtaine de compagnies privées proposant des polices d’assurance maladie, moins de 1% de la population camerounaise bénéficie d’une couverture maladie. Les facteurs sous jacents ...sont entre autres : (i) la méfiance des ménages vis-à-vis des mutuelles de santé et des assureurs privés; (ii) l’absence d’obligation d’une assurance maladie qui en fait un produit de luxe ; (iii) l’ignorance des avantages des mécanismes assurantiels; (iv) la pauvreté et le montant élevé des primes d’adhésion et des cotisations annuelles ; et (v) la forte prévalence de l’emploi dans le secteur informel (80,6%). Pour y faire face nous proposons de : 1) Créer et pérenniser un environnement favorable à la promotion et au développement des MS ; 2) Subventionner les primes par le Gouvernement, les Partenaires et les Municipalités pour en réduire le prix d’achat ; 3) Instituer une collecte flexible des primes et établir un dispositif attractif de mutualisation du risque et des procédures d’achat qui inspirent confiance aux usagers et aux prestataires des soins.
The ECA, says over 300,000 Africans could lose their lives due to COVID-19. This, as the pandemic continues to impact on the Continent’s struggling economies whose growth is expected to slow down from 3.2 percent to 1.8 percent in a best-case scenario, pushing close to 27 million people into extr...eme poverty.
Kenya reported its first case of COVID-19 on 12 March 2020 and, as at 7 April 2020, 172 cases had been confirmed and 6 deaths reported. The Government of Kenya has taken a number of measures to curb the spread of the virus, including implementing a curfew, restricting movement out and into four coun...ties, including Nairobi Metropolitan, and closing most of the urban and rural markets to enforce social distancing. However, these measures, along with the global economic shock caused by the pandemic, are expected to generate new needs, requiring an immediate and urgent response.
Based on Human Rights Watch (HRW)'s reporting on the human rights dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic (see Related Summary, and the video, below), this document presents 40 questions to provoke thinking about a rights-respecting response to the crisis. The questions address the needs - including aro...und issues of information and communication - of groups most at risk, such as people living in poverty, ethnic and religious minorities, women, people with disabilities, older people, migrants, refugees, children, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The resource also identifies a variety of responses to the crisis, some of which are positive and others problematic - with many links to related stories and resources online.
24 April 2020
Policy considerations
for the WHO European Region
This document provides key considerations for Member States to help them to decide on the modulation
of large-scale restrictive public health measures
(i.e. movement restrictions and large-scale physical distancing), while at the... same time strengthening core public health service capacities (to identify, isolate,
test and treat every patient and quarantine contacts) together with personal protective measures (hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette) and individual physical distancing (>1 metre distance). The transition should be informed by national, subnational or even community-level risk assessments as the transmission of COVID-19 is typically not homogeneous within a country.