Second Edition
AIDS Medicines and diagnostics services
July 2015
[Updated 2015]
SCOPING QUESTION: What is the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions (including caregiver skills training) for behavioural disorders in children and adolescents?
Q1: What are the effective maternal mental health interventions to prevent developmental problems in early infancy?
PLoS One. 2012; 7(4): e29656.
Published online 2012 Apr 20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029656
The prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancers has been on the increase in Kenya in the recent past. This has been occasioned by changes in social and demographic situation in the country. The life expectancy... in the country is improving, while the country is developing at a rapid pace. This has resulted in people living more years and at the time adopting lifestyles that have negative impacts on their health. This increase in diabetes and other non-communicable diseases has given rise to a double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases in Kenya
The 6th edition of the essential medicine list has been developed based on the 5th edition list of essential medicines, the National Standard Treatment Guidelines and Protocols 2013, list of laboratory commodities and List of Consumables used in public health facilities.
The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global effort launched by WHO and UNICEF to implement practices that protect, promote and support breastfeeding. It was launched in 1991 in response to the Innocenti Declaration. The global BFHI materials have been revised, updated and expanded for i...ntegrated care. The materials reflect new research and experience, reinforce the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, support mothers who are not breastfeeding, provide modules on HIV and infant feeding and mother-friendly care, and give more guidance for monitoring and reassessment.
UNAIDS/99.31E (English original, June 1999)
1st revision, April 2000