Over the 20 years that followed, this unique partnership has invested more than US$53 billion, saving 44 million lives and reducing the combined death rate from the three diseases by more than half in the countries in which the Global Fund invests.
The article focuses on "The State of the World’s Children 2023" report published by UNICEF. It highlights the critical role of vaccines in saving lives and the challenges in global immunization efforts, especially for marginalized and underserved children. The report emphasizes the impact of COVID...-19 on routine immunization, leaving millions of children unprotected from preventable diseases. It calls for urgent measures to restore and improve vaccination coverage, ensure equity in vaccine access, strengthen primary healthcare systems, and build trust in vaccines. The report also advocates for innovations and sustainable funding to achieve immunization for every child.
Beat the heat: child health amid heatwaves in Europe and Central Asia finds that half of these children died from heat-related illnesses in their first year of life. Most children died during the summer months.
"Around half of children across Europe and Central Asia – or 92 million children –... are already exposed to frequent heatwaves in a region where temperatures are rising at the fastest rate globally. The increasingly high temperatures can have serious health complications for children, especially the youngest children, even in a short space of time. Without care, these complications can be life-threatening,” said Regina De Dominicis UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia.
Heat exposure has acute effects on children, even before they are born, and can result in pre-term births, low birth weight, stillbirth, and congenital anomalies. Heat stress is a direct cause of infant mortality, can affect infant growth and cause a range of paediatric diseases. The report also notes that extreme heat caused the loss of more than 32,000 years of healthy life among children and teenagers in the region.
As the temperatures continue to rise, UNICEF urges governments across Europe and Central Asia to:
- Integrate strategies to reduce the impact of heatwaves including through National Determined Contributions (NDC), National Adaptation Plans (NAP), and disaster risk reduction and disaster management policies with children at the centre of these plans
Invest in heat health action plans and primary health care to more adequately support heat-related illness among children
- Invest in early warning systems, including heat alert systems
- Adapt education facilities to reduce the temperatures in the areas children play in and equip teachers with skills to respond to heat stress
- Adapt urban design and infrastructure including ensuring buildings, particularly those housing the most vulnerable communities are equipped to minimize heat exposure
- Secure the provision of safe water, particularly in countries with deteriorating water quality and availability.
UNICEF works with governments, partners and communities across the region to build resilience against heatwaves. This includes equipping teachers, community health workers and families with the skills and knowledge to respond to heat stress.
Malawi is a small and beautiful country in south-central Africa. It is divided into three administrative regions: south, central and north. The regions are further subdivided into 28 districts. The Southern Region is the most densely populated, while the Northern Region is the least populated.
As escolas realizam diariamente inúmeras atividades que ajudam a promover a saúde e o bem-estar dos alunos, famílias e comunidades. Existem evidências claras dos benefícios da abordagem das escolas promotoras da saúde (EPS), que visam melhorar os resultados globais de saúde da comunidade educ...ativa (física, mental e social) e obter melhores resultados de aprendizagem. O termo escola promotora da saúde é aqui utilizado para se referir a instituições de todos os níveis de ensino (pré-escolar, primário e secundário) que adoptam uma abordagem abrangente para promover a saúde e o desempenho escolar nas suas comunidades, utilizando o potencial organizacional das escolas para promover o bem-estar físico, socioemocional e psicológico, o que contribuirá para uma melhor saúde e resultados educacionais positivos. Espera-se que este guia contribua tanto para o pessoal dos estabelecimentos de ensino como para o pessoal de saúde e outro pessoal das escolas, reforçando a sua motivação, reconhecendo cada uma das componentes da iniciativa e promovendo a sua aplicação, adaptada e recriada de acordo com as características do respectivo contextos. O guia apresenta as bases conceptuais e operacionais da iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde, incentivando a motivação das equipas que coordenam a sua implementação e fornece ferramentas conceptuais e metodológicas que permitem promover a iniciativa Escolas Promotoras de Saúde de forma crítica e contextualizada. Este guia será útil para todo o pessoal que trabalha em instituições de ensino nos níveis inicial, primário e secundário, incluindo pessoal de gestão, ensino, psicologia escolar e pessoal auxiliar e administrativo. Atenderá também profissionais de diversos setores (educação, saúde e desenvolvimento social) cujas atividades estão ligadas à saúde e ao bem-estar em instituições de ensino nos três níveis
The document systematically examines dietary and lifestyle factors influencing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Western Pacific region. It highlights regional nutrition transitions, including dietary improvements like increased fruit and vegetable consumption and reduced salt intake, alongsid...e challenges like rising ultra-processed food consumption. The findings stress the need for stronger national policies, tailored interventions, and international collaboration to reduce NCD risks and improve public health outcomes.
The third Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS III) has been formulated following the expiry of its predecessor strategy, MGDS II, in June 2016. The strategy has been prepared at a time when Malawi has been experiencing multiple shocks including floods, drought and financial crises. While fo...od production improved in 2017, the cycle of food deficit and surplus has kept the country preoccupied with fighting disasters instead of pursuing its development agenda. It is for this reason that the theme of the MGDS III is "Building a Productive, Competitive and Resilient Nation". With this theme, the Government of Malawi undertakes to support Malawi's development into a productive nation competing on the global stage while ensuring that the nation builds systems that deal with natural shocks and disasters.