This document updates the 2009 ECDC guidance on chlamydia control in Europe. It was developed by a technical expert group which conducted a critical review of the scientific evidence on the epidemiology of chlamydia and the effectiveness of screening programmes.
The aim of this guidance is to suppo...rt Member States to develop, implement or improve strategies for chlamydia control. This guidance describes the current evidence base behind the proposed options, highlights key gaps in knowledge, and suggests effective options for national chlamydia control strategies. It is directed primarily at policy advisors but should also be useful for programme managers and experts in sexual health.
The purpose of this document is to provide interim recommendations to guide breastfeeding practices in the context of Zika virus. A systematic review of evidence will be conducted in March 2016 to revise and update these recommendations. Also available in arabic and chinese. Please download directly... from the website.
ACAPS Briefing Note: Zika virus epidemic
Epidemiologisches Bulletin Nr.2 /2016, S.16
Source: World Health Organisation
This document contains: The systematic reviews and GRADE assessments used at the Index-TB Guideline Panel in July 2015; The Evidence to Decision tables that record the Panel’s assessment and recommendations from
this meeting
Совместные действия в связи с туберкулезом и злоупотреблением алкоголем в Эстонии
Первый отчет по демонстрационному проекту
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 111–117