Proper Sanitation is the only method to success
In: Beyond construction : use by all : a collection of case studies from sanitation and hygiene promotion practitioners in South Asia. Chapter 2
- The Role of Plant Nutrition in Supporting Food Security
- Micronutrient Malnutrition: Causes, Prevalence, Consequences and Interventions
- Fertilizer Application and Nutraceutical Content in
Health-Functional Foods
- Plant Nutrition and Health Risks Associated with Plant Diseases
- Human Issues Associated with Nutrient Use in Organic
and Conventional Crop Production
Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Management Dissertation
Le présent guide a donc pour objet de servir d’orientation de base et de point de référence pour l’élaboration d’un projet pilote de marché-santé. Si les principes énumérés dans ce guide s’appliquent de fait à tous les marchés, certains d’entre eux devront sans doute faire preuv...e de souplesse pour atteindre leurs buts. Les projets pilotes couronnés de succès sont ceux dans lesquels la communauté collabore à l’élaboration d’une vision commune d’un marché respectueux des conditions d’hygiène et de sécurité.
Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force
High Transmission Areas: Key Populations
The document is primarily meant to inform mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) staff, such as: psychologists, psychosocial counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and others who are involved providing individual or group counselling, psychotherapy and/or psychiatric... treatment for Syrians
The paper sets out the specific communication challenge posed by Ebola and why it was so difficult to get to grips with this in the early months of the outbreak. It thendocuments when the health communication response became more useful and explores what that tells us about effective media and commu...nication. Finally, it offers recommendations to ensure that media and communication are used to their full potential during other disease outbreaks and humanitarian crisis
Shoman et al. Globalization and Health (2017) 13:1 DOI 10.1186/s12992-016-0224-2