Eine Leitlinie zur Diagnostik und Therapie, einschließlich Chemoprävention und -prophylaxe des Deutschen Zentralkomitees zur Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose e.V. im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V.
Tuberculosis Guideline for Adults
Guideline for Diagnosis... and Treatment of Tuberculosis including LTBI Testing and Treatment of the German Central Committee (DZK) and the German Respiratory Society (DGP).
Rehabilitation in health systems provides recommendations for Member States and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen and expand the availability of quality rehabilitation services. Currently, there is a significant unmet need for rehabilitation services and it is frequently undervalued in the h...ealth system. As populations age and the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and injuries increases, and the demand for rehabilitation grows, strengthening rehabilitation in health systems becomes ever more paramount.
Census data shows that Myanmar can harness a double dividend – both youth and gender. This year’s annual report provides many facets of the journey to gender equality. It tells a story of widening horizons for women and girls who are capable in their own right. It is also a story of women fulfil...ling their reproductive rights, and of couples having access to family planning choices.
To understand the patterns of Rwanda’s achievements in health development, it is important to explore how Rwanda addresses the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) particularly those related to routine conditions in which people are born, live and work. It is in this particular context that a case ...study on Rwanda’s Performance in Addressing Social Determinants of Health was conducted by the Rwanda Ministry of Health, with technical and financial support from the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall goal of the exercise was to document Rwanda's recent initiatives that contribute to the advancements of the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health.
Children without access to safe water are more likely to die in infancy -- and throughout childhood -- from diseases caused by
water-borne bacteria, to which their small bodies are more vulnerable.
This paper is Oxfam’s essential guide for WASH staff and partners. It describes the processes and standards that Oxfam WASH programmes should follow if they are to be carried out effectively, consistently and in a way which treats affected communities with respect.
All WASH staff members are expe...cted to understand and follow these Minimum Requirements. However, it is recognised that in acute emergencies it is preferable to start work on the basics immediately, and build up a comprehensive, quality programme in the following days and weeks. There will, therefore, be some programmes in which certain individual requirements are not appropriate or relevant; in such cases staff members responsible should be able to justify why she/he did things differently, or how the minimum requirement was achieved over time.
This report considers how to integrate health into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, so as to support the implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of the New Urban Agenda.
In many of Myanmar’s contested regions, healthcare services are provided through two parallel governance systems – by the government’s Ministry of Health, and by providers linked to ethnic armed organizations. Building upon efforts to build trust between these two actors following ceasefires s...igned in 2011 and 2012, the new National League for Democracy-led government offers an unprecedented opportunity to increase cooperation between these systems and to ensure health services reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable populations.
The report provides an overview of existing health service arrangements in these areas, from both the Ministry of Health and from ethnic and community-based health organizations. It then unpacks the concept of “convergence”, highlighting key opportunities and policy recommendations for both government and non-government actors.
La Guinée a été le point zéro de la flambée récente de la maladie à virus Ebola. Le taux de mortalité attribuée à Ebola en Guinée était de 66 %, nettement plus élevé que les taux des deux autres pays ouest-africains les plus affectés : la Sierra Leone (32 %) et le Liberia (45 %). Face... à la fermeture des cliniques, aux patients qui évitent les établissements sanitaires de peur de contracter Ebola et aux patients présentant des symptômes semblables à ceux d’Ebola qu’on renvoie chez eux, les experts en matière de santé s’inquiètent que d’autres maladies, telles que le paludisme, la pneumonie et la fièvre typhoïde, ne seront pas soignées, et que des soins de routine comme ceux qui favorisent la santé maternelle et infantile ne seront pas fournis.
The need for a roadmap for risk assessment stemmed from the lack of standardised and systematic effort to national risk assessment effort to date. The road map details the process, activities necessary for each step and the availability and accessibility of technical and financial resources, and coo...rdination mechanisms for the implementation f a national risk assessment.
Zero Draft for Consultation, 3rd Version, November 2015
Toxicologie Maroc - N° 24 - 1er trimestre 2015
In February 2014, there was an outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Guinea, which has spread to Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone causing untold hardship and hundreds of deaths in these countries. As of 6 March 2015, a total of 24,282 cases, and 9,976 deaths, which were attrib...uted to the EVD, had been recorded across the most affected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), an outbreak of the EVD was also reported, but is considered of a different origin than that which has affected West Africa.