Mental illness can affect not only the life of the person with the illness, but also their close family, partners
and friends. Significant people in a person’s life are often a source of support with the illness.
However, family, partners and friends may be faced with a loved one’s men...tal illness without much
information on ways to deal with it and its impact on their life.
NOTE: This guide is NOT a replacement for medical advice and we strongly recommend that you or the person you care
for discuss issues related to treatment with a clinician.
This field study to assess the pharmaceutical situation was undertaken in Ghana in May-June 2008 using a standardized methodology developed by the World Health Organization. The study assessed medicines availability and affordability, geographical accessibility, quality and r...ational use among other issues. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, 6 public health care facilities, 12 private pharmacies and 1 warehouse were surveyed.
A guide to Primary Health Care Facility Supervision
A Global Campaign Against Epilepsy Demonstration Project
This guide focuses on the evaluation of psychosocial programs that are aligned with two main goals: - To promote psychosocial wellbeing by promoting an environment that provides appropriate care, opportunities for development and protects children from exposure to situations that are harmful to thei...r psychosocial wellbeing, and - To respond to psychosocial problems by strengthening social and psychological supports for children who have been exposed to situations that affect their psychological development.
Confronted with the important issue of patient safety, in 2002 the Fifty-fifth World Health Assembly adopted a resolution urging countries to pay the closest possible attention to the problem and to strengthen safety and monitoring systems. In May 2004, the Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly approv...ed the creation of an international alliance as a global initiative to improve patient safety. The World Alliance for Patient Safety was launched in October 2004 and currently has its place in the WHO Patient Safety programme included in the Information, Evidence and Research Cluster.
Доклад на тему злоупотребление алкоголем в Российской Федерации: социально-экономические последствия и меры противодействия, который был утвержден Советом Общес...твенной палаты Российской Федерации .
November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
Data on the essential building blocks of mental health systems, including mental health
governance, financing, service delivery, human resources and information, are reported. For
mental health planning, it is important to know not only the level of resources in these six areas,
but also how thos...e resources are being organized and utilized. Thus, data on efficiency, access,
equity, linkages with other sectors and respect for human rights are reported as well.