Manual para la primera fase de implementación
The safety of medicines in Zambia - why health workers need to take action | Produced by the National Pharmacovigilance Unit (NPVU)
A Step-by-Step Guide.
It is intended for health planners, dengue or vector control programme managers and individuals, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other agencies with interests and/or expertise in developing biological, chemical, environmental and communication interventions to prevent... and control dengue fever.
An Act to provide for the efficient and comprehensive regulation and control of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, herbal drugs and poisons and to repeal the Food
(Control of Quality) Act, 1978, the Pharmaceuticals and Poisons Act, 1978 and to provide for related matters.
HRH Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13 – 2016/17
What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Do
HRH SA 2030 | Draft HR Strategy for the Health Sector: 2012/13 – 2016/17 Consultation Document
J Nepal Health Res Counc 2013 May;11(24):198-204
Mental disorders impose an enormous burden on society, accounting for almost one in three years lived with disability globally. •In addition to their health impact, mental disorders cause a significant economic burden due to lost economic output and the link between mental disorders and costly, po...tentially fatal conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV, and obesity.•80% of the people likely to experience an episode of a mental disorder in their lifetime come from low- and middle-income countries.• Two of the most common forms of mental disorders, anxiety and depression, are prevalent, disabling, and respond to a range of treatments that are safe and effective. Yet, owing to stigma and inadequate funding, these disorders are not being treated in most primary care and community settings.