Contains many illustrations of all country materials – of risk factors, treatment procedures, side effects, coping, healthy lifestyle, and more; Promotes cancer screening, especially for breast and cervical cancer, and gives local resources; Educates about local cancer risk factors, e.g., HIV infe...ction, ‘burning buvera or breathing in diesel fumes'; Emphasizes the need to avoid tobacco and heavy alcohol use
Engeri Y'okugumira Embeera nga olina Kkookolo. Akatabo K'Abalwadde.
Okulabilira Abalwadde ba kkookolo. Akatabo K'Abajjanjabi.
Provides similar information to patient booklet, Advises on what to expect and how to cope when a loved one is facing end of life Suggests ways for caregivers to take care for themselves
Accessibility is by law; not just a favour. The booklet contains what the laws say about physical accessibility and their interpretation
The Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16 - 2019/20 aims at accelerating movement towards Universal Health Coverage with essential health and related services needed for promotion of a healthy and productive life