Nigeria reported its first case of COVID-19 at the end of February 2020 and subsequently experienced
four waves, with peaks in June 2020 and January, August and December 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic
severely impacted the economy of Nigeria and caused disruption of health services nationwide. During... the crisis, many Nigerians failed to access routine health
services due to decreased income and lockdown
restrictions. The most significant service disruptions
were in maternal and newborn health, vaccination,
sick childcare, family planning and noncommunicable
disease treatment services (1). Pregnant women
were anxious about contracting COVID-19 during
2020, and as a result, many avoided attending health
facilities for antenatal (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC).
Disruptions in the medical supply chain and diversion
of resources to COVID-19 management impacted on
essential health services. Health workers were often
unable to go to work because of transport disruptions
or illness
The aim of this report is to: (1) synthesize the findings from selected maternal and newborn related studies in Nepal conducted during 2011-2014, (2) identify areas of improvement in existing interventions, and (3) recommend possible strategies to fulfill such gaps.
Rabies is transmitted when saliva or neural tissue of an infected animal is introduced into the body. Exposure can occur through a bite, scratch, or contact with saliva to broken skin or mucous membranes such as the eyes or mouth, BUT rabies is preventable! Vaccinations for your pets and livestock key. To report an animal bite or incident between 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, choose your county's office from the map on the EA Regional Office page and contact them for assistance. On nights, weekends, or holidays, call 1-888-847-0902.
Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection) Resource platform
Service Availability and Readiness Assessment Tool
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