Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back
The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find ways for displaced people in Myanmar to be able to return home and recover their property and pos...sessions.
More than half of Central African Republic’s population is in need of urgent humanitarian aid – amidst chronic underfunding, persisting violence across the country and unsuccessful peace agreements. Donors must step up their commitments and meet their fair share responsibility of funding to stab...ilize the fragile situation.
Achieving Quality Health Care in Bangladesh:
2014 Bangladesh Health Facility Survey (BHFS)
Frequently asked questions on Antimicrobial resistance.
These country reports provide information on the legal situation for displaced populations, namely asylum seekers, refugees, and returnees, where relevant, regarding access to mobile services, in each country covered
The 2016-2017 Biennial report presents an overview of WHO Namibia's main achievements and challenges and highlights its vision for the next five years.
This article describes experiences in implementing a community mental health and development project in a rural district in southern India, including the position of persons with mental illness when the project was initiated, the challenges faced and the strategies that were developed to overcome th...ese challenges. The authors conclude that when services are locally available, persons with mental illness can be treated and rehabilitated within their own community. They can live with dignity and their rights are respected. There is a great need for inclusion of persons with mental illness in the existing developmental activities and in disabled persons’ organisations.
Research in Brief.
The international community’s predominant response to the Venezuelan migration crisis remains focused on humanitarian relief. This is important, for two populations: a) the over 50,000 ‘pendular’ migrants who go back and forth across the border every day in order to access and basic services; b) those who seek residency in Colombia or another country, and require immediate support in terms of food, shelter, and medical access. However, Betts states, for the over 1.2 million migrants who have settled in Colombia, a longer-term vision is needed, which must be based on seeing Venezuelan migration as a development opportunity that can benefit both migrants and citizens
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2014;35(3):179–85
Neurology Asia 2008; 13 : 41 – 48
Last updated on Oct 5, 2018.
SAGE-Hindawi Access to Research Autoimmune Diseases
Volume 2011, Article ID 937586, 5 pages doi:10.4061/2011/937586
Regional snapshot: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
December 2018
Desta et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2018) 12:38
“Follow the Voice of Life”
AIDSTAR-One | Case study series October 2011