Q12: Should the treatment be similar in individuals with intellectual disability and epilepsy compared to people with epilepsy only?
This guidance highlights tangible, evidence-based priority actions in health and WASH programs to achieve the Global Targets for nutrition. Throughout the guidance the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration within and outside the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to holistically address nutrition ...is emphasised.
(New 2015)
Scoping question: Within the context of mental health and developmental assessment of children and youth, what are the effective strategies for detecting maltreatment?
Global concerns: Implications for the future
Child Mental Health Atlas
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks
SIGN 143. A national clinical guideline
Published May 2015, Revised 2018
DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 27 : 390–403 (2010
This publication is intended for professionals training or practicing in mental health and not for the general public. The opinions
expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IACAPAP. This publication seeks to
describe the best treatments and pra...ctices based on the scientific evidence available at the time of writing as evaluated by the authors and may change as a result of new research
Introduction - Chapter A.11
Olashore et al.
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2017) 11:8 DOI 10.1186/s13034-017-0144-9
Во многих странах суицид является одной из главных причин смерти среди детей и подростков. Одна из главных задач психиатрических служб – выяв-ление молодых людей ...з группы риска и предложение эффективных методов лечения. Данная глава содержит обзор суицидальности детей и подростков. Несуицидальные самоповреждения также будут рассмотрены, но основное внимание будет уделено суицидальным попыткам и завершенным суицидам. Обзор включает данные эпидемиологии, сведения о факторах риска и осо-бенностях этиологии, клинических проявлениях, диагностике, лечении и про-филактике. Поскольку акцент мы сделали на клинических проблемах, в этот обзор не вошли сведения о нейропсихобиологии суицидальности.
3ie Impact Evaluation Report 39
Inerim Guidance for health-care providers. This document describes guidance for a supportive response by healthcare providers (e.g. physicians, nurses), focusing primarily on women affected by Zika virus infection during pregnancy and their families, for their mental health and psychosocial needs.