Based on WHO South-East Asia Regional Strategy on Autism Spectrum Disorder
The collaborative framework for implementation of the “WHO South-East Asia Regional Strategy on Autism Spectrum Disorders” articulates to Member States: the nature of autism spectrum disorder and the issues faced by ...PwASD and their caregivers; the foundation on which the Regional Strategy and the collaborative framework is based; desired outcomes against each objective of the ASD Regional Strategy; recommended actions to fulfill each objective; requisite parameters that should govern the recommended actions; and suggested guidelines for monitoring, evaluating and reporting a Member State’s progress towards fulfilling the objectives. It encourages Member States to share best practices and information for promoting cooperation and partnerships for development of effective and sustainable programmes.
Indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
This guideline document lays out the indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on ending AIDS. The Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process has been often referenced as a benchmark for successful international accountability mechanisms.
The International Forum of Indigenous Women (IIWF) has prepared this report in order to have a
document for analysis and systematization of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives
of Indigenous Women, and to identify the strategies promoted by them. This document is expected
to serve as... a political tool for advocacy. The methodology used in this analysis is a gender and
Indigenous Women’s collective and individual human rights approach. The results are mainly based
on a global, participatory survey, conducted in English, French and Spanish languages, aimed at
indigenous women’s organizations and leaders.
The indicators and questions in this document are designed for use by national AIDS programmes and partners to assess the state of a country’s HIV and AIDS response, and to measure progress towards achieving national HIV targets. Countries are encouraged to integrate these indicators and questions... into their ongoing monitoring efforts and to report comprehensive national data through the Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process. In this way they will contribute to improving understanding of the global response to the HIV epidemic, including progress that has been made towards achieving the commitments and global targets set out in the new United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030, adopted in June 2021, and the linked Sustainable Development Goals.
The guide to implementing the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) at national level provides practical guidance on how countries can adopt and adapt the OH JPA to strengthen and support national One Health action.
Building on the OH JPA theory of change, this guide describes three pathways a...nd five key steps to implement the OH JPA at national level:
Pathway 1 -- Governance, policy, legislation, financing and advocacy
Pathway 2 -- Organizational and institutional development, implementation and sectoral integration
Pathway 3 -- Data, evidence, information systems and knowledge exchange.
The stepwise approach comprises:
Situation analysis including stakeholder mapping and review of existing assessment results
Set-up/strengthening of a multisectoral, One Health coordination mechanism
Planning for implementation, including activity prioritization and leveraging of resources
Implementation of national One Health action plans
Review, sharing and incorporation of lessons learned.
Méthodologie pour l’élaboration d’un plan stratégique national
Principales composantes du PSN
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 111–117
Directions in Development
Human Development
Le Bénin à l’instar des autres pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, fait face à une épidémie généralisée du VIH qui est actuellement au centre des préoccupations de santé publique et de développement. De 2002 à 2006, la prévalence nationale est stabilisée autour de 2% grâce à une améli...oration de la prise en charge des PVVIH, une augmentation du nombre de patients sous ARV, et un renforcement du partenariat avec la société civile y compris le secteur privé. En 2007, on a observé une légère inflexion à 1,7% de la prévalence.
Les conséquences multiples de l’infection par le VIH ont très vite imposé la nécessité d’une prise en charge globale des personnes infectées et affectées. Les interventions sont désormais multiples et intégrées allant de la prévention à la prise en charge en passant par le conseil - dépistage (CD).
Il n’est de richesse que d’hommes dit-on. En vertu de ce principe, le Gouvernement de
la République du Bénin, désireux de connaître et d’apprécier l’importance et la qualité de ses
ressources humaines a décidé, par décret n° 99-459 du 22 septembre 1999, d’organiser sur
toute l...’étendue du territoire national, un Recensement Général de la Population et de
l’Habitation. Cette importante opération est la troisième du genre depuis notre indépendance
Mémoire pour le Diplôme inter-universitaire Santé mentale dans la communauté»