Бывают события, которые выбивают нас из колеи,
но мы все равно с ними справляемся. Но иногда
случаются такие страшные вещи, которые еще
долго преследуют нас и прив...дят к психическим
недугам. Так, например, может развиться посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство (сокращенно ПТСР). Это психическое заболевание
возникает в любом возрасте. Ниже мы расскажем
о его проявлениях у взрослых, а также о способах
лечения болезни.
هناك العديد من األحداث التي تؤثر على مجرى حياتنا، والتي يكون
بإمكاننا التعامل معها بالرغم من ذلك. ومع ذلك فإن اإلنسان يعيش -
في بعض األحيان - أشياء جد رهيبة لدرجة أن ...ذه األخيرة تطارده
لفترة طويلة وتجعله يصاب بمرض نفسي. قد يتعلق األمر هنا
باضطراب ما بعد ال صدمة )باختصار: PTSD).
نفسياً وقد يحدث في أي
يعتبر هذا األخير مرضا مرحلة من مراحل ً
حياة اإلنسان . نتطرق فيما يلي إلى اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة لدى
تتعرف أيضاً البالغين، وسوف على إمكانيات العالج المتاحة.
The new guide provides practical, first-line management recommendations for mental, neurological and substance use conditions. Contents include modules on assessing and managing conditions such as acute stress, grief, moderate-severe depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, and... harmful use of alcohol and drugs.
املعالجة الرسيرية
لالضطرابات النفسية والعصبية واستخدام مواد اإلدمان
يف حاالت الطوارئ اإلنسانية
Mhgap Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG): Clinical management of mental, neurological and substance use cond...itions in humanitarian emergencies
La Guía de intervención humanitaria mhGAP es una herramienta sencilla y práctica destinada a ayudar a los servicios de salud generales en contextos de emergencias humanitarias, a detectar y tratar los trastornos mentales, neurológicos y por uso de sustancias psicoactivas. Se trata de una adapta...ción para uso en emergencias humanitarias de la Guía de intervención mhGAP (2010) de la OMS, manual ampliamente utilizado y basado en criterios científicos para el manejo de dichos trastornos en los servicios de salud de tipo general.
Prise en charge clinique des troubles mentaux,
neurologiques et liés à l'utilisation de substances
psychoactives dans les situations d'urgence humanitaire
The mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) Training of Health-Care Providers manual is designed to guide facilitators in training non-specialist health care providers to manage mental, neurological and substance use conditions in humanitarian emergency settings.
The manual covers sugge...sted training schedules, learning objectives, and tips for planning and facilitating the training. It also includes step-by-step training modules for different conditions covered in the mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG).
Die iOS-Applikation SMILERS richtet sich an arabischsprachige Menschen mit depressiver Symptomatik. Sieben aufeinander aufbauende Module beinhalten Informationen zur Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von depressiven Symptomen, Vorschläge zu positiven Aktivitäten und zum Umgang mit negativen Gedanke...n. Über einen anonymen Fragebogen wird das Angebot durch die Forscher*innen im ZÜ stetig weiterentwickel
PTSD Rating Scales: Two rating scales can be used by clinicians to help identify children's or adolescents' exposure to child abuse, interpersonal violence and other traumatic events, to identify PTSD symptoms, and to monitor symptoms. These are the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index (RI) and the Child PTSD S...ymptom Scale (CPSS). The RI is rated separately by the child or adolescent and a parent; the CPSS is rated only by the child or adolescent. This is the Child PTSD Symptom Scale. | Accessed online February 2019
"Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school."
1. MYTH: Sexual violence is just another stressor in populations exposed to extreme stress: there is no need to do anything special to address sexual violence | 2. MYTH: The most important consequence of sexual violence is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) | 3. MYTH. Concepts of mental disorders ...– such as depression and PTSD – and treatment for mental health problems have no relevance outside western cultures | 4. MYTH: All sexual violence survivors need help for mental health problems | 5. MYTH: Mental health and psychosocial supports should specifically target sexual violence survivors | 6. MYTH: Vertical (stand-alone) specialized services are a priority to meet the needs of sexual violence survivors | 7. MYTH: The most important support is specialized mental health care | 8. Only psychologists and psychiatrists can deliver services for sexual violence survivors | 9. MYTH: Any intervention is better than nothing | 10. MYTH: Only the victim/survivor suffers as a result of sexual violence
Standards- und Checkliste
(arabic version) Information brochure for parents on how to help traumatized children.