The global increase of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) presents a growing concern in healthcare worldwide. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the annual number of HAI exceeds 2.6million and produces the highest estimated amou...nt of disability-adjust-ed-life-years, surpassing all other reported communicable diseases in the European Union and European Economic Area. Multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative (MDR-GN) bacteria have become increasingly common as a cause for HAI, such as central line-as-sociated bloodstream infections, wound or surgical site infections and catheter-associated urinary tract infections
On February 29, 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed an agreement outlining a phased withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in exchange for Taliban commitments not to allow attacks on the US or its allies from Afghan territory. The troop withdrawal is expected to take place in parallel w...ith negotiations between representatives from the Afghan government and other Afghan political groups and Taliban leaders aimed at achieving a political settlement after decades of armed conflict.
Refugee law encompasses both customary law, peremptory norms, and international legal instruments.
The only international instruments directly applying to refugees are the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. Bot...h the Convention and the Protocol are open to states, but each may be signed separately. 145 states have ratified the Convention, and 146 have ratified the Protocol. This is the key document to refugee protection plus the text of the Protocol, which removed a deadline and geographical restrictions from the Convention.
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Recommandations francaises pour la prise enc harge du chikungunya
Médecine e tmaladies infectieuses 45(2015)243–263
This manual addresses all the issues. It focus on the cycle of microbes, antibiotics, vaccination, AMR,
infection prevention and control. It will support nurses on better action and also on communication towards
their patients and families.
Проект ВИЧ/ТБ инициативной группы TAG призван способствовать повышению качества исследований, программ и рекомендаций для людей, живущих с ВИЧ и туберкулезом (ТБ).
The World Health Organization was requested by Member States to develop a global priority pathogens list (global PPL) of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to help in prioritizing the research and development (R&D) of new and effective antibiotic treatments. To date, the selection of pathogens for R&D ac...tivities has been largely guided by small and large pharmaceutical companies according to a variety of parameters, such as perceived/unmet medical need, pressure of investors, market size, scientific discovery potential, and availability of specific technologies. Previous PPLs, issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction highlights children as among the most vulnerable groups who must be empowered to get ready for natural hazards and play a vital role in preventing and reducing risk.
This child-friendly booklet is for kids who are 6-12 years old to generate earthqu...ake awareness among children through animated characters and simple but strong messages.
Это коллективная монография, отчёт по вопросам и проблемам трудоустройства людей в разных странах. Цитируется Конвенция о правах инвалидов и то, каким образом соб...юдаются права для разных групп людей с РАС в разных странах, приводятся примеры.