20 April 2022. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to adversely affect essential TB services in many countries. A first report of case studies was published in 2021 comprising 23 examples of innovative interventions implemented by countries to effectively respond to disruptions of TB ser...vices caused or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This second, consolidated report incorporates new case studies, as well as updates to previously reported case studies
The Executive Board at its 150th session noted an earlier version of this report.1 The present report provides an update on the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan on Polio Transition (2018–2023)2 at the start of 2022, within the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
This is the first part of a five-part package that provides guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with developmental delays or disabilities.
The Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST) aims to pro...vide caregivers with skills that they can use at home to improve their child’s engagement in activities and communication, and to promote positive behaviour and skills for daily living.
Acupuncture has been practised for more than 2500 years in the Western Pacific Region and has become a global therapeutic method in recent decades. However, it was reportedthat acupuncturists differed by up to 25% in the acupuncture points they used, raising doubts and uncertainty regarding the effi...cacy and safety of acupuncture treatment, as well as causing difficulties in the fields of acupuncture research and education.
May 9, 2022.Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of clinical trials have been planned and developed to assess the effectiveness and safety of various interventions that could prevent hospitalizations and progression to severe disease in people infected with SARS-CoV-2. Currently,... the WHO and the PAHO recommend the use of corticosteroids, tocilizumab, baricitinib, and casirivimab e imdevimab (the latter in seronegative COVID-19 patients) and propose the use of sotrovimab, casirivimab/imdevimab, and molnupiravir in patients with non-severe illness who are at high risk for complications
We need to be concerned about mental health in the context of climate change
Nurses are key players in health promotion and disease prevention and the backbone of health care systems worldwide. Nurses work on the front lines of disease prevention, health promotion, and health management and are often the unsung heroes in health care facilities and emergency response. Despite... the critical role they play in health care, there is a nursing shortage across the world that will affect the delivery of competent nursing care. This fact sheet highlights key action points for targeted investment in the nursing workforce and calls on Member States to strengthen nursing within the context of their own country efforts. Suggestions for action and strategies for strengthening the nursing workforce in primary health care services are through investment in education, jobs, leadership, and service delivery are provided.
This report has been prepared in response to informal requests by SIDS Member States and territories for WHO assistance in confronting the stark and dire situation which climate change has created in their countries and the impact it is having on their peoples
Over the ages, human societies have altered local ecosystems and modified regional climates. Today the human influence has attained a global scale. This reflects the recent rapid increase in population size, energy consumption, intensity of land use, international trade and travel, and other human a...ctivities. These global changes have heightened awareness that the long-term good health of populations depends on the continued stability of biosphere's ecological, physical and socioeconomic systems.
The world's climate system is an integral part of the complex of life-supporting processes. Like other large systems, the global climate system is coming under pressure from human activities.
This book seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.
Helping Adolescents Thrive (HAT) is a joint WHO-UNICEF initiative to strengthen programming and policy responses for adolescents, to promote positive mental health, prevent mental health conditions,
and prevent self-harm and other risk behaviours. The vision of HAT is a world in which all adolescen...ts, their caregivers, civil society and communities unite with governments to protect and promote adolescent mental health. This means taking action routinely to implement and monitor evidence-informed and human rights-based strategies for improving mental health, and to prevent and reduce mental health and substance use conditions in adolescents in order to improve lifelong well-being
Helping Adolescents Thrive (Aider les adolescents à s’épanouir – HAT) est une initiative conjointe OMS-UNICEF visant à renforcer les programmes et les politiques en faveur des adolescents, afin de promouvoir une santé mentale positive, de prévenir les
troubles de santé mentale ainsi que l...’automutilation et les autres comportements à risque. La vision de la HAT est celle d’un monde dans lequel tous les adolescents, leurs soignants, la société civile et les communautés s’unissent aux gouvernements pour protéger et promouvoir la santé mentale des adolescents. Cela signifie qu’il faut prendre des mesures systématiques pour mettre en œuvre et suivre des stratégies fondées sur des données factuelles et sur les droits de l’homme pour améliorer la santé mentale, et pour prévenir et réduire les troubles de santé mentale et l’usage de psychoactives substances chez les adolescents afin
d’améliorer le bien-être tout au long de la vie
This document aims to encourage countries to develop and implement policies to maintain and strengthen IPC programmes and measures in health care facilities in the context of the current ongoing transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, with recognition that epidemiological trends may vary and the risk of tra...nsmission of other pathogens.
Mental health is critically important to everyone, everywhere. All over the world, mental health needs are high but responses are insufficient and inadequate. The World mental health report: transforming mental health for all is designed to inspire and inform better mental health for everyone everyw...here. Drawing on the latest evidence available, showcasing examples of good practice from around the world, and voicing people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most needed and how it can best be achieved. It calls on all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to mental health, reshape the environments that influence mental health, and strengthen the systems that care for mental health.
The Guidelines for the Prevention, Surveillance and Management of COVID-19 Infection amongst Health Care Workers (HCW) in Zimbabwe were developed to prevent, detect and manage HCW COVID-19 infection, an emerging pandemic affecting the whole world. The HCW is at the fore front of this pandemic, thus ...the need for standardised operating procedures is of utmost importance. These guidelines therefore seek to reduce the significant morbidity and mortality among the HCW, ultimately ensuring the reduction of the cost to the health care worker and the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) as a whole. The Ministry of Health and Child Care requires that all health care workers in various health care settings follow infection prevention and control procedures.