The NGO Safety and Security Training Report provides a narrative of the research findings, an updated curriculum, and guidance tools for training. It is based on extensive research and interviews with members of the NGO community. The report draws upon existing training materials, community consulta...tions, survey responses, job descriptions, as well as relevant trends in humanitarian and development practice. It captures good practice and global understanding in regard to quality and consistency of NGO security training.
The report offers an analysis of the broader challenges to securing humanitarian action and recommends areas for improvement. This study will contribute to improving the way humanitarians ‘do business’ in complex
security environments. Document also available in French, Arabic and Spanish.
El informe ofrece un análisis de los mayores retos para asegurar la acción humanitaria y da recomendaciones sobre aspectos que mejorar. Este estudio ayudará a mejorar la manera en que el personal humanitario hace su trabajo en entornos de seguridad complejos.
The Minimum Standards for Protection Mainstreaming are a set of international standards designed to provide practical assistance to humanitarian actors to mainstream protection in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programmes, projects and activities. ...All humanitarian actors are expected to mainstream protection in their humanitarian assistance activities as a component of a broader commitment to quality and accountability in humanitarian response.
A step-by-step guide for child protection programmes to the design and implementation of KAP survey methods. In particular, this guide will help to strengthen the quality of our research, monitoring and evaluation work, and enable Save the Children to contribute to a step-change in the child protect...ion evidence base that is so critically needed. Document also available in French, Spanish and Arabic.
The guide summarizes an assessment of War Child Canada’s three-pronged legal protection model as implemented with South Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda and uses it to identify the most important lessons for ensuring legal protection mechanisms are in place at the onset of an emergency
Globalization and Health201612:63; DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0195-3
A practioner's guide, based on lessons from Ebola.
This guide is a compilation of best practices and key lessons learned through Oxfam’s experience of community engagement during the 2014–15 Ebola response in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It aims to inform public health practitioners and programme ...teams about the design and implementation of community-centred approaches