Experience of national TB partnerships
NSP Review
Engaging with South Africa’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB Edition 7 July – August 2013
A publication of the Treatment Action Campaign and SECTION27
GeneXpert: An imperfect rollout
TB in South African prisons: Where to now?
Decentralising DR-TB care: How far alon...g are we?
Antibiotic resistance (ABR) particularly hits resource poor countries, and is fuelled by irrational antibiotic (AB) prescribing. We surveyed knowledge, attitudes and practices of AB prescribing among medical students and doctors in Kisangani, DR Congo.
A policy brief on the organization of prison health
The 2nd edition is publised in 2017.
Capability and Performance
Evaluation report
April 2013
Evaluation report
This report is part of the overall Ukrainian National AIDS programme evaluation conducted
in September 2012
Despite some improvements, current levels of air pollution still pose a considerable risk to the environment and to human health in the WHO European Region. One issue of concern is that monitoring of particulate matter is very limited in the countries of eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia.... This paper summarizes the evidence about the health effects of air pollution from particulate matter and presents the policy implications, the aim being to stimulate policy-makers to develop more effective strategies to reduce air pollution and its health effects in those countries.
Department of AIDS Control
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) was commissioned to undertake a rapid review of access to and management of water resources in the Dry Zone, to assist LIFT and other potential donors and investors to identify the key issues and the priority actions for water management.
The ...study had three main components:
• A water resources assessment (surface and ground water) of availability, current use, and patterns, trends and variability at different spatial and temporal scales.
• Community survey to evaluate issues of water availability, access and management for different livelihood types in 24 local communities, including evaluation of institutional arrangements in relation to farming strategies and water management practices
• Review and analysis of existing program investments in water in the Dry Zone
Findings from the study are available in three reports (for details, see last page).
Organizing and Delivering High Quality Care for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in the Americas
This Case Study explores flood forecasting systems from the perspective of its position within the flood warning process. A method for classifying the different approaches taken in flood forecasting is introduced before the elements of a present-day flood forecasting system are discussed in detail. ...Finally, the state of the art in developing flood forecasting systems is addressed including how to deal with specific challenges posed.
The target group of this case study are decision makers in disaster risk management and/or water management. The case study should help to understand some hydrologic basics of the flood forecast and assist in the administration and implementation of an appropriate flood warning system in a specific environment, to find the best solution for a region.
Best solutions depend mainly on quality and availability of data, the areas and/or points of interest, catchment properties, cross border catchments, and financial capabilities with special consideration of flood forecast.
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