Asthma can be a serious disease, but if you understand
the disease and take the right medication to control it, you
should have no problems or symptoms due to your asthma,
even when you are pregnant. To be free from asthma
attacks, you should also check your lung function and use
an action plan... if any symptoms occur.
On August 13, 2024, the Africa CDC declared the mpox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (PHECS). The following day, the WHO declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). A coordinated, continent-wide response is essential, co-led by the African Union... (AU) through the Africa CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO), in close collaboration with global partners working under a unified plan, budget, and monitoring framework.
Toolkit regarding Zika Virus
This article summarises the process involved in developing the updated guideline and includes an infographic to highlight key IPC recommendations from the guideline, following the patient care pathway from the community to a healthcare facility to discharge.
Issue Brief No. 40 provides healthcare professionals with the most relevant treatment guidelines, prevention measures and training material on MVD
Since February 24th, 2022, the beginning of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, more than 80,000 women were expected to give birth. Therefore, understanding the impact of war on the perinatal health of women is an important requisite to improve perinatal care. This narrative synthesis has two mai...n purposes: on one hand, it aims to summarize the current evidence available based on perinatal health outcomes and care among perinatal women; on the other, it attempts to identify the gaps still present in research in relation to perinatal care.
This brief highlights the urgency of addressing gender inequalities across the Rio Conventions, provides examples of where progress has been made, and identifies clear entry points for addressing gender equality considerations across the Conventions. It makes recommendations for actions to accelerat...e the synergistic implementation of the gender provisions and action plans of the Conventions.
Мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться с практическим руководством Программы Организации Объединенных Наций по международному контролю над наркотиками (ЮНДКП) по планир...ованию и предоставлению услуг в области лечения наркомании и реабилитации.
Издание Лечение наркомании и реабилитация: практическое руководство по планированию и осуществлению призвано служить практическим средством для правительств, специалистов по планированию политики, лиц, предоставляющих услуги и обеспечивающих лечение. Представленный материал может быть полезен в весьма различных национальных и культурных условиях
Злоупотребление алкоголем и алкоголизм относятся к ведущим причинам ухудшения здоровья и повышения смертности населения. Чрезмерное употребление алкоголя служи...т третьей ведущей причиной глобального бремени болезней и относится к ведущим факторам уменьшения продолжительности жизни и повышения смертности населения. Злоупотребление алкоголем снижает трудоспособность и производительность труда, требует повышенных расходов на лечение расстройств, вызванных алкоголем, что влечет за собой серьезные экономические потери. Неблагоприятные медицинские и социальные последствия неумеренного употребления алкоголя определяют значимость эффективного лечения алкоголизма
An interdisciplinary approach to address global health challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, loss of biodiversity, human migration has been framed by the One Health approach. This approach is promoted at global level by the Tripartite of the World Health Organisation, the World A...nimal Health Organisation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, recently joint by the United National Environment Program to form the Quadripartite. The German government through its Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development supports this approach with its One Health strategy and investment in several technical cooperation projects.
Globally, there is increased advocacy for community-based health insurance (CBHI) schemes. Like other low and middle-income countries (LMICs), Tanzania officially established the Community Health Fund (CHF) in 2001 for rural areas; and Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA) for urban population since 2009. This study... investigated the implementation of TIKA scheme in urban districts of Tanzania.
The target audience of this document (and the associated online companion tool) includes WHO country offices
in Member States of the African Region; Member States’ ministries of health and their public health emergency
operation centres; relevant external assessment teams; and partners looking... to identify preparedness gaps and
support interventions that help address them. In the event of a suspected or confirmed VHF case, the document also serves to provide any intervening partner with a sense of what structures should be in place, in order to guide
scale-up activities in line with regional and national plans.
Ce guide clinique et thérapeutique s’adresse aux professionnels de santé impliqués dans les soins curatifs au niveau des dispensaires et des hôpitaux. Nous avons essayé de répondre le plus simplement possible aux questions et problèmes auxquels est confronté le personnel de santé par des pratiques, conciliant l’expérience acquise sur le terrain par Médecins Sans Frontières, les recommandations des organismes de référence tels que l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et celles des ouvrages spécialisés en la matière.
Évaluation des mesures mises en oeuvre en cas de flambées et amélioration de la préparation