Prise en charge clinique des troubles mentaux,
neurologiques et liés à l'utilisation de substances
psychoactives dans les situations d'urgence humanitaire
First edition, November 1997 | Revised July 2002
A report submitted to the International Labour Organization, Geneva
In support of the African decade of disabled persons | 1st January 199 - 31st of December 2009
Information note.
This information note provides a strategic overview of key implementation considerations for diagnostic integration using these devices, and is primarily intended for use by national laboratory services and TB, HIV, and hepatitis programme managers.
It may also be of to managers of maternal, newborn and child health programmes and sexual and reproductive health programmes, international and bilateral agencies, and organizations that provide financial and technical support to the relevant national health programmes.
Best Practice for the Care of Patients with Tuberculosis: a Guide for Low-Income CountriesThe practical aspects of TB patient care from the onset of symptoms to the completion of treatment are covered in this guide.
Systematic screening for active tuberculosis: an operational guide.