22nd edition
The purpose of the SAHR has always been to analyse and assess progress and challenges in key areas of the health system, and to propose recommendations for improvement. We are pleased to continue this tradition in the 2019 edition, which presents a unique collection of perspectives on ...the key challenges in implementing universal health coverage (UHC) in South Africa, as analysed by experts in various fields.
Each of the 20 chapters deals with aspects of the UHC journey, dedicated towards an equitable and inclusive national health system that leaves no-one behind. While some authors describe the fundamental changes and practical considerations required to reconfigure the country's health system, others have reflected on specific programmatic areas and have made recommendations from a National Health Insurance (NHI)/UHC lens.
L'antibiorèsistance constitue actuellment un problème de santè puplique en Tunisie. En effet, depuis une quinzaine d'anneés, notre pays fait face á un accroissment global des rèsistances bactériennes aux agents antimicrobiens. Ce phénoméne qui concerne également la majorité des pays, est ...dû á l'apparition et l'extension de nouveaux mécanismes de résistance, rendant inefficaces les traitements actuellment disponibles.
République Tunienne - Ministére de la santé
Le présent plan prend la suite de deux plans nationaux pour préserver l’efficacité des antibiotiques (2001-2005 et 2007-2010), qui visaient à maîtriser et rationaliser la prescription des antibiotiques. Ce troisième plan a pour titre « plan national 2011-2016 d’alerte sur les antibiotique...s ». Derrière ce titre se profile une menace de santé publique majeure : un nombre croissant de situations d’impasse thérapeutique contre des infections bactériennes, du fait du développement des résistances aux antibiotiques. Cette menace appelle une mobilisation déterminée et durable de l’ensemble des acteurs impliqués dans le cycle de vie des antibiotiques, afin de concilier des objectifs individuels (qualité de la prise en charge des patients) et collectifs (préservation d’une ressource rare, précieuse et difficile à renouveler).
This policy brief identifies and explains the main reasons behind the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) associated with improper use of antibiotics in the livestock sector. Focusing on the low- and middle- income country setting, this brief provides recommendations for a deliberated policy stra...tegy aimed to prevent healthcare crisis that could happen as a result of AMR.
Les infections associées aux soins (IAS) touchent des centaines de millions de patients dans le monde chaque année. Ces infections sont à l’origine de pathologies graves, de prolongements de la durée du séjour en établissement de soins, d’invalidités à long terme, de coûts personnels im...portants pour les patients et leurs familles, de charges financières supplémentaires élevées pour les systèmes de santé, et pire encore, de la perte tragique de la vie.
Pakistan Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP) was formed in the wake of international and national efforts for AMR curtailment. A group of experts from microbiology, infectious diseases and veterinary medicine formed a core group at the organizational meet...ing of GARP in Kathmandu, Nepal in July 2016. In the meeting, this core group was expanded to include other members from different sectors with the selection of the Chair and co-chairs. These were asked to serve on a voluntary basis, in their own individual capacities, with no personal gains, or gains to the institutions to which they are affiliated. The first phase of GARP took place from 2009 to 2011 and involved four countries: India, Kenya, South Africa and Vietnam. Phase one culminated in the 1st Global Forum on Bacterial Infections, held in October 2011 in New Delhi, India. In 2012, phase two of GARP was initiated with the addition of working groups in Mozambique, Tanzania, Nepal and Uganda. Phase three has added Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Nigeria, Pakistan and Zimbabwe to the network to date.
South Africa has faced many challenges over the past two decades, accomplishing profound positive changes in the social structure and government of the nation. This has not yet fully translated into better health for the population, however, particularly the poorest segment. In fact, the p...opulation has lost ground since the 1990s in virtually all important health indicators, leaving South Africa with a high burden of infectious disease.
August 2011, Vol. 101, No. 8 SAMJ
This document aims to provide advice on the use of cloth face masks and sterilisation of respirators and surgical masks as an alternative in healthcare settings with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases if there is a shortage of specialised surgical masks and respirators.
Le COVID-19 est un nouveau coronavirus, proche de celui du Syndrome Respiratoire Aigu Sévère (SRAS) qui avait été à l’origine d’une épidémie meurtrière en 2003. L’infection par ce nouveau coronavirus se manifeste le plus souvent par une fièvre et des signes respiratoires pouvant se co...mpliquer par un syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë. Jusqu’à présent, la plupart des cas graves ont été signalés chez des personnes souffrant d’autres problèmes de santé, comme le cancer, le diabète ou une maladie rénale ; ou encore parmi des travailleurs de la santé qui sont en contact étroit avec les malades.
Improvements in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and wastewater management in all sectors are critical elements of preventing infections and reducing the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as identified in the Global Action Plan to combat AMR. Yet, at present, WASH and wastewater management... actors and improvement actions are under-represented in AMR multi-stakeholder platforms and national action plans (NAPs). This WHO/FAO/OIE technical brief on WASH and wastewater management to reduce the spread of AMR provides a summary of evidence and rationale for WASH and wastewater actions within AMR NAPs and sector specific policy to combat AMR. Evidence and actions are presented in the domains of; coordination and leadership, households and communities, health care facilities, animal and plant production, manufacturing of antimicrobials, and surveillance and research.
It is often observed that educated women have lower birth rates than do the less educated, inviting a causal interpretation. However, educated women also differ from those who have never attended school in a
variety of other ways: the two factors are multiply related. This article analyzes the rela...tionship between schooling and fertility in contemporary Cameroon as both a statistical and a social phenomenon, using data from the 1998 Cameroon DHS alongside ethnographic field data collected by
the author. T
Estima-se que 17,8 milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo com 18 anos ou mais viviam com o VIH em 2015, o equivalente a 51% dos adultos que viviam com o VIH. As raparigas adolescentes e as mulheres jovens são particularmente afectadas; em 2015 representavam 60 por cento dos indivíduos com idades com...preendidas entre os 15-24 anos que viviam com o VIH, e 58 por cento das infecções por VIH recentemente adquiridas entre a população jovem deste grupo etário. Em muitos países, as mulheres que vivem com o VIH não têm acesso equitativo a serviços de saúde de boa qualidade e enfrentam muitas formas de estigma e discriminação entrecruzadas. Além disso, estas mulheres são desproporcionadamente vulneráveis à violência, incluindo as violações dos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos.
This module is part of the WHO series The Immunological Basis for Immunization, which was initially developed in 1993 as a set of eight modules, comprising one module on general immunology and seven modules each devoted to one of the vaccines recommended for the Expanded Programme on Immunization, i....e. vaccines against diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Since then, this series has been updated and extended to include other vaccines of international importance. The main purpose of the modules is to provide national immunization managers and vaccination professionals with an overview of the scientific basis of vaccination against a range of important infectious diseases. The modules developed since 1993 continue to be vaccine-specific, reflecting the biological differences in immune responses to the individual pathogens and the differing strategies employed to create the best possible level of protection that can be provided by vaccination. The modules also serve as a record of the immunological basis for the WHO recommendations on vaccine use, published in the WHO vaccine position papers.*
The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half the countries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic. The aim of the Initiative is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in c...hildren aged 6.0–9.9 years to get a clear understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the common protocol agreed for use in the Initiative.
The WHO COVID-19 LENS (Living Evidence Synthesis) working group consolidated available evidence, based on rapid reviews of the literature and results of a living systematic review on pregnancy and COVID-19 (up to October 7, 2020), on potential mechanisms of vertical transmission of infectious pathog...ens, feasibility of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2, data related to interpretation of positive SARS-CoV-2 virologic and serologic neonatal tests, lessons from diagnosis of other congenital infections, and existing proposed definitions to classify timing of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Social and behavior change (SBC) professionals have often been tasked to find ways to influence knowledge, attitudes, and practices, about vaccines. Now that the COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available worldwide, renewed emphasis and urgency for SBC efforts arise.
To that end, WHO has offered thre...e factors that play a role in vaccine hesitancy, the first two of which can be addressed by SBC: Complacency: Low perceived risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, and vaccination not deemed necessary. Other life/health issues are a greater priority.
Confidence: Low levels of trust in vaccines, in the delivery system, and in health authorities
Convenience: Barriers related to geographic accessibility, availability, affordability, and acceptability of services
This resource page provide a selection of SBC research, tools, and examples that aid in understanding this issue, especially in light of the recent availability of COVID-19 vaccines and the urgency for immunization worldwide.
UNAIDS and the World Health Organization have published this updated guidance on ethical considerations in HIV prevention trials. The new guidance is the result of a year-long process that saw more than 80 experts and members of the public give inputs and is published 21 years after the first editio...n appeared.
Member States have requested WHO policy guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of national AMS activities in an integrated and programmatic approach. This policy guidance responds to that demand from Member States and is anchored in public health guiding principles in the human health sect...or. It aims to provide a set of evidence-based and pragmatic recommendations to drive comprehensive and integrated AMS activities under the purview of a central national coordination unit, National AMR steering or coordinating committees or other equivalent national authorities.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese
This guide is intended to support national governments developing their national deployment and vaccination plans (NDVPs) for COVID-19 vaccines by outlining the roles, needs and opportunities for community health workers (CHWs) to contribute. This note builds on and is structured to align with the G...uidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines. By providing CHW-relevant considerations for the VIRAT Tool, this document aims to support national governments in developing robust NDVPs for introducing COVID-19 vaccine(s) that leverage all the community-based deployment, implementation and monitoring tools at their disposal.
In order to meet changing global population needs and consumer expectations, healthcare systems worldwide are under transformation and face restructuring. As systems adapt and shift their emphasis in response to the disparate requests for healthcare services, oppor-tunities emerge for nurses, especi...ally the APN, to meet these demands and unmet needs (Bryant-Lukosius et al. 2017; Carryer et al. 2018; Cassiani & Zug 2014; Cooper & Docherty 2018; Hill et al. 2017; Maier et al.2017). In 2002, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) pro-vided an official position on Advanced Practice Nursing (ICN 2008a). Since that time, worldwide development has increased significantly and simultaneously this field of nursing has matured. ICN felt that a review of its position was needed to assess the relevance of the definition and characteristics offered in 2002. This guid-ance paper defines diverse elements such as assump-tions and core components of the APN. The attributes and descriptors presented in this paper are intended to promote a common vision to continue to enable a greater understanding by the international nursing and healthcare communities for the development of roles commonly identified as Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) and Nurse Practitioner (NP).