A road to resilience in Southeast Asia
This comic book is a children-friendly tool to support school safety, to raise awareness and preparedness for typhoon and cyclone.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on how to implement Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) recommendations for malaria elimination at the local level. It is a streamlined, more operational version of the Manual for Stratifying Malaria Risk and Elimination of Foci, aimed primarily ...at operational teams working in the field. The content has been prioritized and the steps of the process organized to facilitate greater understanding by local teams. Adjustments have also been made to underscore its versatility for all malaria transmission scenarios in the Region of the Americas.
This review focusses on the interactions between the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, and its triatomine vector. The flagellate mainly colonizes the intestinal tract of the insect. The effect of triatomines on trypanosomes is indicated by susceptibility and refractoriness phenom...ena that vary according to the combination of the strains. Other effects are apparent in the different regions of the gut. In the stomach, the majority of ingested blood trypomastigotes are killed while the remaining transform to round stages. In the small intestine, these develop into epimastigotes, the main replicative stage. In the rectum, the population density is the highest and is where the infectious stage develops, the metacyclic trypomastigote. In all regions of the gut, starvation and feeding of the triatomine affect T. cruzi. In the small intestine and rectum, starvation reduces the population density and more spheromastigotes develop. In the rectum, feeding after short-term starvation induces metacyclogenesis and after long-term starvation the development of specific cells, containing several nuclei, kinetoplasts and flagella. When considering the effects of T. cruzi on triatomines, the flagellate seems to be of low pathogenicity. However, during stressful periods, which are normal in natural populations, effects occur often on the behaviour, eg, in readiness to approach the host, the period of time before defecation, dispersal and aggregation. In nymphs, the duration of the different instars and the mortality rates increase, but this seems to be induced by repeated infections or blood quality by the feeding on infected hosts. Starvation resistance is often reduced by infection. Longevity and reproduction of adults is reduced, but only after infection with some strains of T. cruzi. Only components of the surface coat of blood trypomastigotes induce an immune reaction. However, this seems to act against gut bacteria and favours the development of T. cruzi.
Chagas disease affects approximately 6 million people, mainly in Latin America. Less than 1% of affected individuals receive proper antiparasitic treatment, and current drugs are inadequate to fight the entire spectrum of the disease. Against this background, Novartis is pursuing an end-to-end appro...ach, with activity on three fronts: drug discovery, clinical research and health system strengthening.
Coherent Market Insights has announced the addition of Chagas Disease Treatment Market 2023 Forecast Analysis by Types, Applications, Size, Share, Key Players, and Regions. a new research report to its market research archive. The Chagas Disease Treatment Market has been thoroughly researched and an...alyzed by industry experts and researchers. The industry is examined at the global, regional, and national levels. The report highlights the primary revenue stream for the estimated year, along with sales volumes, growth patterns, and major industry market dynamics. The historical data is provided, as well as a comprehensive revenue analysis for the forecast period. The report focuses on the size, share, growth status, and future trends of the Chagas Disease Treatment Market, as well as recent business developments.
Please download the latest report directly from here: https://www.paho.org/en/tag/covid-19-situation-reports
Please find here the latest daily updates of the PAHO Region
COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Readiness Assessment Tool (VIRAT2), developed by WHO-PAHO, UNICEF, World Bank, Gavi, and other partners is a tool to help prepare countries for the introduction a COVID-19 vaccine.
It provides a roadmap for introduction and a structured framework for countries to self-...monitor their readiness progress against key milestones. It includes an excel template for Ministries of Health to complete with support from partners and PAHO Country Offices.
The VIRAT dashboard helps countries highlight the critical activities and technical areas that should be initiated, continued, or strengthened. Also, it allows PAHO and partners to identify areas where support may be needed and identify alternative forms to mobilize resources.
medPPE es una aplicación para dispositivos iOS y Android donde el personal de salud encontrará la información necesaria sobre los equipos de protección personal (EPP) sugeridos por la OPS/OMS, que deben ser utilizados de acuerdo con la función y la actividad que desempeña en el proceso de aten...ción de pacientes con enfermedades, como la COVID-19, transmitidas por gotas y contacto, o durante procedimientos generadores de aerosoles.
Es importante recordar que usar el EPP no es suficiente para estar protegido y que son varias las condiciones a considerar, tales como: seguir las indicaciones sobre el tipo de EPP a utilizar, usarlo por el tiempo y de la manera adecuada, conocer y señalar los flujos de pacientes establecidos, igual que los procedimientos de atención que va a realizar.
Hay que cumplir con las medidas de higiene de manos y con los procedimientos de vestido-desvestido de los EPP y la disposición y manejo de residuos. Es igualmente importante difundir la información y mantener el entrenamiento al personal sanitario y a los funcionarios administrativos. Además, se debe señalizar los flujos de circulación, e informar y educar a los pacientes y allegados.
Puede descargar el aplicativo para iOS e Android
On March 1, 2021, the countries of the Americas began receiving vaccines through the COVAX Mechanism, an unprecedented global effort between CEPI, Gavi, Unicef, PAHO, and WHO to ensure equitable access to immunization throughout the world. The PAHO Revolving Fund is the mechanism designated by COVA...X to procure the vaccines on behalf of the countries in the region.
— Data on vaccine doses administered in the Americas
Infografía ilustrando cómo lavarse las manos adecuadamente cuando hay acceso limitado a agua limpia y jabón.
The Epidemiological Alerts are released in order to provide information about the occurrence of international public health events which have implications or could have implications for the countries and territories of the Americas; as well as recommendations issued by the Pan American Health Organi...zation.
The Epidemiological Updates are released as new information becomes available regarding events previously shared through Epidemiological Alerts.
The Americas region hosts more than 18.4 million refugees, asylum-seekers, displaced and stateless people, representing some 20 per cent of persons of concern to UNHCR worldwide. During the last two years, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on refugees and ...migrants in host communities, including loss of livelihoods opportunities, an increase in evictions, engagement in negative coping mechanisms, discrimination and xenophobia. Further compounded by limited access to regularization and documentation in some countries, these impacts have contributed to onward movements of people in search of protection and/or better opportunities elsewhere.
Um livro para ajudar as criancas e jovens a lidarem com uma situacao nova e inesperada, que obriga a novas rotinas diárias e á gestao de situacoes nem sempre fáceis de entender