Общие цели
1. Распространить информацию о ходе подготовки, в том числе о потенциале в области реагирования и планах и процедурах реагирования в целях выявления за...озных случаев COVID-19 в вашей стране и принятия ответных мер.
2. Определить сферы взаимозависимости субъектов сектора здравоохранения и других секторов.
3. Провести анализ недостатков с опорой на предложенные ВОЗ сравнительные показатели оперативной готовности к COVID-19.
4. Разработать план действий по повышению уровня готовности на основании сравнительных показателей ВОЗ.
Working to enhance mental well-being and improve quality of life in communities.
The Friendship Bench project is an evidence-based intervention developed in Zimbabwe to bridge the mental health treatment gap. Our mission is to enhance mental well-being and improve quality of life through the use of... problem solving therapy delivered by trained lay health workers. We focus on people who are suffering from common mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression- kufungisisa.
Launched in 2016, the European Health Information Gateway (Gateway) is a powerful tool and easy way to access health data, information and resources for all 53 Member States in the European Region. The Gateway was conceptualized as a platform to facilitate access to integrated health information, un...der the umbrella of the European Health Information Initiative (EHII). It has been conceptualised as a bilingual, interactive one-stop health information shop for policy-makers, the general public and WHO staff alike.
Also available in Russian: https://gateway.euro.who.int/ru/themes/emergency-preparedness-and-response/
The latest disease outbreaks around the world notified to the World Health Organization.
As an online disaster risk visualization tool, ThinkHazard! aims to provide users with information to make risk-informed choices. This is the first platform of its kind, allowing anyone to quickly find information on 8 different types of hazards in their search area. All information is open source a...nd users are able to download all information freely.
This film is a Somali language version of the English film \\\'Is your child sick? Identifying signs of sickness and diarrhoea.\\\' This piece is part of a longer film which also covers pneumonia and malaria.
Regulation about the Implementation of Reproductive Health Clinical Training
This is a complete training package on “TB Infection Prevention and Control in health facilities”, that is based on the Bangladesh “National Guidelines for Tuberculosis Infection Control”. The package is designed for people responsible for TB infection prevention and control in health facili...ties, and it includes the training curriculum, the facilitators’ manual and the participants’ manual.
These guidelines are Rwanda’s official guide to the management of a functional district health system and were designed as a daily guide for the duties of the district health team. It traces key roles and responsibilities of each team member.
L'histoire du choléra a été produite en collaboration avec l'animateur primé Yoni Goodman.
Cette animation couvre la transmission, la prévention, les signes et les soins du choléra d'une manière simple et accessible. Le film suit des directives fondées sur des données probantes, a été te...sté sur le terrain et revu pour sa précision et son contenu. Téléchargez les flashcards et les versions pour téléphone portable sur le site web
Swahili Translation of Neonatal Resuscitation for skilled healthworkers showing bag and mask resuscitation.
accessed on 30.08.2022
O Ministério da Saúde é o órgão do Poder Executivo Federal responsável pela organização e elaboração de planos e políticas públicas voltados para a promoção, a prevenção e a assistência à saúde dos brasileiros.
Весь персонал, проводящий экспресс-диагностику антигена SARS-CoV-2 (Ag-RDT), должен понимать, как безопасно проводить тестирование, обеспечивать качество тестирования и и...нтерпретировать результаты. Этот курс был разработан ВОЗ и FIND, Глобальным альянсом по диагностике, для предоставления теоретических знаний по тестированию SARS-CoV-2 Ag-RDT. Учебный пакет состоит из 10 модулей, включающих видео и презентации