El Chagas se puede prevenir y tratar
Materiales para equipos de salud
The spillover of infectious agents from animals to humans in recent decades has had a significant impact on the health of humans, animals, and our environment. To minimize the impact of future pandemic threats, the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) was established in 2011 to dev...elop the next generation of skillful and competent One Health (OH) workforce with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and its One Health Workforce project.
Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time and has major health and healthcare implications. As some of the most respected professionals in America, doctors and nurses have a crucial part to play in raising awareness of the public about these issues. To facilitate the medical com...munity’s awareness-raising efforts, the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health (Consortium) brings together associations representing over 600,000 clinical practitioners
Impfungen retten Leben – nicht nur im Rahmen der Corona-Pandemie! Eine richtige Impftechnik gehört über die Allgemeinmedizin hinaus zu den medizinischen Basisfähigkeiten. Mit der gezeigten Standardmethode durch Injektion in den Musculus deltoideus können fast alle Impfstoffe ab dem Kleinkindal...ter verabreicht werden.
In diesem Video erfahrt ihr alles, worauf ihr im Rahmen der Impfung achten müsst – die wichtigsten Kontraindikationen, die Patientenaufklärung und anschließende Dokumentation.
IRC is an initiative by Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists to promote accurate and scientific resuscitation training & guidelines.
iloveLife.mobi. It’s an innovative, digital cellphone-based program that promotes youth development and addresses the HIV/ AIDS pandemic by using incentives to change behavior
The Ebola crisis has impacted some of the most vulnerable areas of the world, and frontline health workers are struggling to keep pace with the outbreak. The “Training Health Workers for Ebola” series consists of four webinars, and aims to provide health workers with the clear, reliable, and tim...ely information they need to protect themselves, detect the disease, and respond.
This webinar series is offered free of charge by mPowering Frontline Health Workers and IntraHealth.
Please visit the website: http://techchange.org/live-events/training-health-workers-for-ebola/
This 15-minute quick guide is developed with content available from the World Health Organization, CDC, and other organizations. The general public and aid workers without specialized health training will benefit from increased awareness of this outbreak.To access the latest training, log into Disa...sterReady.org or enroll directly in the Ebola Awareness Quick Guide training course.