It provides insight into WHO’s work that aims to improve the health of the people of the United Republic of Tanzania in collaboration with key stakeholders.
Recommendations on the inclusion of people with disabilities in eye care made by CBM's Medical Eye Care Advisory Group as a result of
a meeting in Hydrabad, India, in 2012.
This briefing paper provides an overview of the approach underlying EA, how and by whom it is applied and its problems and consequences. It concludes that policy makers, rather than be guided by its assumptions and conclusions, must instead concentrate on the confounding structural causes of interdependent global challenges and aim at their long-term solution, within an overarching human rights framework.
PLOS Medicine |
January 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | e1001371
A workshop methodology for children, young people and adults
The “Tree of Life” is a psychosocial support tool based on narrative practices that is designed to help participants accept the hardships of their past and identify the strengths that can help them achieve a better future. It uses th...e different parts of a tree as metaphors to represent the different parts of our lives. The workshop generally takes one day.
Participants draw their own “Tree of Life” in which they get to speak of their ‘roots” (where they come from), their skills and knowledge, their hopes and dreams and the special people in their lives
Q4: Should community based rehabilitation be offered to children with intellectual disabilities?
“Effective Altruism” — What it is, how philanthropic foundations use it and what are its risks and side-effects
Better Parenting Nigeria is a parenting education program whose goal is to see that families have the knowledge and skills needed to raise healthy, safe and resilient children. The program aims to ensure that:
The caregiver-child relationship is strengthened;
Caregiver capacity to understa...nd family needs and access resources and services is
increased; and
Caregiver capacity to protect children from all forms of harm and exploitation is
This Facilitator’s Manual is for the facilitator to use to support the community discussions, provide targeted messaging, and recommend suggestions for knowledge and experience sharing. It should be used hand-in-hand with the Community Discussion Guide.
Demographic and Health Surveys, Working Paper
Амстердам, Нидерланды, 23 июля 2018 г.
This report considers how to integrate health into urban planning, investments, and policy decisions, so as to support the implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of the New Urban Agenda.
Country Progress Report
Reporting Period
January – December, 2014
Accessed: 26.09.2019
Chapter · January 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0_25
D.D. Celentano and C. Beyrer (eds.), Public Health Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Countries, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-72711-0 25, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008