Lancet Glob Health 2020Published OnlineNovember 27, 2020
The People’s Charter for Health is a statement of the shared vision, goals, principles and calls for action that unite all the members of the PHM coalition. It is most widely endorsed consensus document on health since the Alma Ata Declaration
Available in different languages
Revision for Field Review
Online version of the manual:
Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI). The guide provides general information on how to organize, implement and follow up on quality assurance/quality improvement clinical facility and service assessments. At the website you will find checklists intended to be used with the clinical fa...cility assessment guide
The guidelines begin with an overview of the determinants of mental health among children and adolescents before reviewing related South African policies and legislation. The document then discusses strategies to build skills among caregivers, teachers and other frontline providers of mental health ...interventions as well as those for counselling professionals. The guidelines conclude by identifying priority areas for mental health services among children and adolescents, including the prevention of child and substance abuse as well as services for those living with intellectual disabilities
Participatory Assessment with Children and Adolescents. An UNHCR Tool for Operations
Clinical guideline, Methods, Evidence and Recommendations
In this guideline the following is covered: information needs of people with chronic hep
titis B and their carers; where children, young people and adults with chronic hepatitis B a-
should be assessed; assessment of liver disease, the use of non-invasive tests and genotype testing; criteria for offering antiviral treatment; the efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness of currently available treatments; selection of first-line therapy; management of treatment failure or drug resistance; prophylactic treatment during im-
munosuppressive therapy; and monitoring for treatment response
Policy Guidelines for Health Facilities
Follow up to the Maseru Declaration. ZIMBABWE COUNTRY REPORT
Reporting Period: January 2013 - December 2013