Interferon-γ Assays - Description and Assessment of a New Tool in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis.
Haür B et al. Interferon-γ-Tests in der ...Pneumologie 2006; 60: 29-44
Guidelines for health human resource management (HRM) in disaster management in Indonesia
Guidelines and Consensus for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Pediatric Urology in Indonesia
Guidelines for the Diagnose and Management of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease in Indonesia
First edition, November 1997 | Revised July 2002
Guidelines for early warning system in potential areas of natural disaster in Indonesia
Coordination guidance of in-field disaster management in Indonesia
Ratgeber für ehrenamtliche HelferInnen und DolmetscherInnen im Umgang mit von Krieg und
Menschenrechtsverletzungen Betroffenen.
Gesetz zur Verhütung und Bekämpfung von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen (Infektionsschutzgesetz - IfSG)
Stand: Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 70 V v. 31.8.2015 I 1474
Siehe insbesondere §6 Meldepflicht und §36 Infektionshygiene!
Onchocerca volvulus transmitted by repeated bites of infected blackflies (Simulium spp.). These blackflies breed along fast-flowing rivers and streams, close to remote villages located near fertile land where people rely on agriculture.
There is a need to reinforce skills of national and district... health workers to know and identify the disease, understand the risk factors according to the context and living conditions of the affected communities, and promote the implementation of public health interventions. With the shift from control to elimination, large areas in Africa require mapping to assess whether transmission is active, and treatment required. A sampling strategy named Onchocerciasis elimination mapping has been developed to help countries conduct those assessments and start treatment where needed.
This course examines the epidemiology of Onchocerciasis, clinical aspects, impact, diagnosis, treatment and control, elimination, public health interventions and role of community health workers
Die Webseite des Bundeszentrums für Ernährung (BZfE) bietet ein Unterrichtsmodul für die Sekundarstufe ab Klasse 8 an, das den Nutri-Score thematisiert. Dieses Material soll Schülerinnen und Schüler befähigen, den Nutri-Score beim Einkauf differenziert und reflektiert zu nutzen. Es umfasst Leh...rerinformationen mit Unterrichtsverlauf, zwei Arbeitsblätter mit Lösungsvorschlägen sowie neun Materialkarten mit Produktbeispielen und sechs Rechercheaufträgen. Ziel ist es, den Jugendlichen ein Verständnis für die Bedeutung und Grenzen des Nutri-Score zu vermitteln und sie zu einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nährwertlogo anzuregen.
The document presents a systematic analysis of dietary risks and their health impacts in 195 countries from 1990 to 2017. It highlights that suboptimal diets, such as those high in sodium and low in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, significantly contribute to non-communicable diseases like hear...t disease, stroke, and diabetes. The study emphasizes the urgent need for improved dietary habits and policy interventions to reduce diet-related mortality and morbidity globally.
To maintain a structured and well-organized implementation plan it is important to have a lead agency or sector. The ministry of health or a similar authority in government will be critical in facilitating development and implementation of the multisectoral action plan.
The WHO document, "High-level technical meeting on noncommunicable diseases and mental health in small island developing states: summary brief," outlines the outcomes of a January 2023 meeting in Barbados, focusing on NCDs and mental health challenges in small island developing states (SIDS). Key included the need for sustainable financing, addressing the impact of climate change, improving emergency preparedness, strengthening multisectoral collaboration, and managing commercial determinants of health. The document emphasizes building political support and international cooperation to reduce the NCD and mental health burden in SIDS, with recommendations for policy coherence and increased support for these vulnerable regions.