A user-friendly instrument designed to collect and calculate indicators of effective inventory management. The IMAT guides the user through a process of collecting data on the physical and theoretical stock balance and the duration of stockouts for a set of up to 25 frequently-used products, calcula...ting indicators, analyzing the results, and identifying strategies for improving record-keeping and stock management practices. The IMAT comes as a computerized spreadsheet in Excel and includes instructions, a data collection form, analysis guidelines, recommendations, and a graphical display of the indicator results.
The document will provide information for Ministries of Health and hospital sentinel sites on why and how to determine the denominator of at-risk children <5 years of age and rate of meningitis hospitalizations for a sentinel hospital site conducting IB-VPD surveillance. Such a methodology is curren...tly unavailable and this estimation is critical to enable interpretation of surveillance data, particularly pre- and post- vaccine introduction
Care of the Mother and Baby through Home Visits. Facilitator Modul for Clinical Practice
This Training module on malaria elimination has been developed by WHO to support health professionals in planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating malaria elimination programmes
Early Essential Newborn Care (EENC) Module 2.
A short Guide for Health Practitioners
WHO Secretariat Information paper July 2016
Zika virus infection: update on the evidence for a causal link to congenital brain abnormalities and Guillain-Barré syndrome
Update 7 September 2016
Standard Treatment Guideline
Standard Treatment Guideline
Standard Treatment Guideline
A series of tools and templates have been developed by WHO, FAO and OIE to accompany the manual for developing national action plans on antimicrobial resistance