This paper summarizes the evidence about the health effects of air pollution from particulate matter and their implications for policy-makers, with the aim of stimulating the development of more effective strategies to reduce
air pollution and its health effects in the countries of eastern Europe,... the Caucasus and central Asia.
IAEA Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment
Sub-Saharan Africa faces a major public-health challenge from non-communicable diseases. Although infectious diseases continue to afflict Africa, the proportion of the overall disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa attributable to cancer is rising, and the region is predicted to have a greater than 85...% increase in cancer burden by 2030. This Series of seven papers focuses on cancer control in Africa, outlining the current situation, detailing barriers to care, and presenting ideas to advance cancer care and control in the region.
The Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) constitute about 80% (467,200 sq. km) of Kenya’s total land mass and is grouped into geographical zones including the Savannah covering most of the North- eastern and South-eastern parts, the Coastal region, the North Rift Valley, the Highlands and the Lake Vict...oria Basin. The ASAL host about 35% of Kenyas population (13 million people) and over 60% of its inhabitants live below the poverty line, subsisting on less than one US dollar per day.
Menschen ohne legalen Aufenthaltsstatus gehören in Deutschland zur gesellschaftlichen Realität. Die Zahl der Menschen ohne Papiere hierzulande liegt Schätzungen zufolge noch immer zwischen 200.000 und 600.000. Oft gehen diese „Menschen ohne Papiere“ bei einer Erkrankung erst sehr spät zum Ar...zt; aus Angst, entdeckt und abgeschoben zu werden. Nicht selten endet dies im medizinischen Notfall. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die Bundesärztekammer in Zusammenarbeit mit der Ärztekammer Berlin und unter Mitwirkung des Büros für medizinische Flüchtlingshilfe Berlin das Faltblatt „Patientinnen und Patienten ohne legalen Aufenthaltsstatus in Krankenhaus und Praxis“ erstellt. Es soll Ärzten für die Behandlung von Menschen ohne legalen Aufenthaltsstatus bezüglich der rechtlichen Situation und bei Fragen der Kostenerstattung eine Orientierungshilfe geben. Das Faltblatt wurde redaktionell überarbeitet und ergänzt. So finden sich in der Neuauflage auch Hinweise zur Regelung der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht gegenüber den Sozialämtern und Ausländerbehörden.
Guía Clínica - Asma Bronquial en adultos
Guía Clínica – Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1
protocol if child has severe acute malnutrition (SAM), otherwise use standard protocols.
SAM criteria: Mid-upper arm circumference <11.5 cm (only for 6-59 months) OR weight for height z score < -3 OR bilteral pitting oedema
The document explains why vector control is important in national programmes and describes the preparation of a tailor-made vector control plan for national programmes. It outlines entomological procedures for regular and specific vector control and how data should be analysed for better overall und...erstanding of filarial transmission and vectors. The document will also be useful for teaching personnel in lymphatic filariasis programmes about the use and value
of entomological procedures in overall epidemiological appraisal in the context of
A statistical overview and exploration of the dynamics of change
In order to target resources and drugs to reach trachoma elimination targets by the year 2020, data on the burden of disease are required. Using prevalence data in African countries derived from the Global Atlas of Trachoma (GAT), the distribution of trachoma continues to be focused in East and West... Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and a few endemic countries in Central Sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, 129.4 million people are estimated to live in areas that are confirmed to be trachoma endemic and 98 million are known to require access to the SAFE strategy. The maps and information presented in this work highlight the GAT as important open-access planning and advocacy tool for efforts to finalize trachoma mapping and assist national programmes in planning interventions.
Countries, partners, and donors are committed to
the global elimination of blinding trachoma by 2020.
Achieving this public health milestone requires more
than funding; it requires health personnel with the
right mix of skills, and well supported and managed
health systems. Mass drug administra...tion (MDA)
with Zithromax®, the Pfizer, Inc. donated antibiotic,
is a key component of the SAFE strategy, endorsed
by the World Health Organization. There is growing
recognition that improving all aspects of MDA, from
planning to training, recording to reporting, and
receipt of drug to distribution (the supply chain), will
be necessary if MDA programmes are going to reduce
the community burden of Chlamydia trachomatis, and
eliminate trachoma as a cause of blindness by 2020.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its fro...ntiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
Information on Chikungunya Fever
Video about Animated life cycle of T. cruzi in the human host.
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, is a painful and protracted disease transmitted through the bite of infected tsetse flies and it is found in rural parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Sleeping sickness has two clinical phases but this review focuses only on treatment of the second...-stage, which is characterized by neurological changes and almost invariably fatal without treatment. There are only a few drugs currently available for second-stage sleeping sickness, all with considerable adverse events and variable efficacy.
The review includes nine trials with 2577 participants. Each trial reported different comparisons of the drugs currently available to treat second stage HAT (melarsoprol, eflornithine, nifurtimox) so no meta-analysis was possible.
FIND and Standard Diagnostics (SD) have developed a lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to screen for
T.b. gambiense HAT that is cheap and easy to use. The tests are packed individually and are stable at 40°C for
up to 25 months; they are performed on fresh blood obtained from a finger prick..., and no instrument or electricity is required. The RDT detects host antibodies to infection in populations that are at risk, or in suspect individuals. Positive cases are subjected to further confirmatory methods to identify HAT patients.