This report, written in partnership with various Royal Medical Colleges and Public Health England, sets out the essential actions to improve the physical health of adults with severe mental illness (SMI) across the NHS. The report makes practical recommendations for changes that will help adults wit...h SMI to receive the same standards of physical healthcare as the general population and reduce the risk of premature death.
This NCEPOD report highlights the quality of mental health and physical health care for patients aged 18 years or older with a significant mental disorder who are admitted to a general hospital. The report takes a critical look at areas where the care of patients might have been improved. Remediable... factors have also been identified in the clinical and the organisational care of these patients.
mhGAP is based on evidence-based technical guidelines (4) and provides a set of tools and
training packages to extend service provision. The mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG)
for MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings (8) is a clinical decision-making tool
for assessing and managing p...riority MNS conditions (depression, psychoses, epilepsy, child
and adolescent mental and behavioural disorders, dementia, disorders due to substance
use, self-harm and suicide).
The WHO Regional Office for Europe, the WHO Collaborating Centre on Culture and Health at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) and the National Institute of Mental Health (Czechia) convened a workshop on culture and reform of mental health care in central and eastern Europe on 2–3 October 201...7 in Klecany, Czechia. The aim of this workshop was to improve understanding of the key cultural aspects that impact and drive mental health-care reform in the central and eastern European region. This report outlines the key points and recommendations made by participants in relation to this objective.
Assessment of the quality of institutional care for adults with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in the WHO European Region.
The specific objectives of the project were to address gaps in knowledge about the number and characteristics of such long-term institutions and to identify deficie...ncies in current care standards through the lens of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This publication examines and rates the quality of care and protection of human rights in selected institutions in over 20 countries in the Region using the WHO QualityRights toolkit. It identifies steps to take to continue progress toward deinstitutionalization and to ensure respect for the rights of people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities.
Reduced healthy life expectancy due to the high burden of both mental ill health and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is a major public health concern in the European Region. The links between mental disorders and major NCDs are well established.
In clinical practice, however, mental disorders in pa...tients with NCDs as well as NCDs in patients with mental disorders are often overlooked. Premature mortality and disability could be reduced if there were a greater focus on comorbidity.
This report addresses the needs of adults of working age with mental health problems – those with common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety and those with more severe conditions such as schizophrenia and bi-polar affective disorder. It also addresses the needs of those with NCDs, specifically cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes mellitus.
Addressing comorbidity between mental disorders and major noncommunicable diseases (Russian Version)
Mental disorders are one of the top public health challenges in the WHO European Region, affecting about 25% of the population every year. In all countries, mental health problems are much more prevalent among the people who are most deprived. The WHO European Region therefore faces diverse affecting both the mental well-being of the population and the provision and quality of care for people with mental health problems.
The European Mental Health Action Plan focuses on seven interlinked objectives and proposes effective action to strengthen mental health and well-being. Investing in mental health is essential for the sustainability of health and socioeconomic policies in the European Region. The Action Plan corresponds to the four priority areas of the European policy framework for health and wellbeing, Health 2020, and will contribute directly to its implementation.
Liebe Lehrende,
das Recht auf Gesundheit ist ein weltweites Menschenrecht. Dennoch gestalten sich die vielen ge-sundheitlichen Facetten in jedem Land der Erde ganz unterschiedlich. So kann dieses Menschen-recht in vielen Ländern leider oftmals nicht vollständig oder sogar überhaupt nicht eingeha...lten werden und viele Menschen leiden bis heute unter gesundheitlichen Problemen, denen sie hilflos ausgeliefert sind.Die DAHW Deutsche Lepra- und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V. hat sich daher bereits vor über 60 Jahren zum Ziel gesetzt, dieser Ungerechtigkeit entgegenzuwirken. Da Gesundheit vor allem in den ärmeren Ländern der Erde nicht rechtmäßig gewährleistet werden kann, liegt der Fokus der Organisation auf der Bekämpfung der Krankheiten der Armut und ihren Folgen. So besteht die Vision der DAHW da-rin, mit ihrer Tätigkeit dazu beizutragen, eine Welt zu schaffen, in der kein Mensch unter Lepra, Tuberkulose und anderen Krankheiten der Armut und ihren Folgen wie Behinderung und Ausgren-zung leidet. Dafür ist sie in 19 Ländern der Erde tätig.Der Einsatz für weltweite Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheit kann jedoch nur gelingen, wenn jeder Mensch dafür seine Verantwortung und Handlungsmöglichkeiten erkennt. So möchten wir mit die-sem Arbeitsheft Ihnen und Ihrer Lerngruppe Material zur Hand geben, das sich intensiver mit dem Thema „Gesundheit weltweit“ auseinandersetzt. Durch unterschiedliche Arbeitsaufträge soll damit das persönliche Bewusstsein über die Facetten der Gesundheitsthematik gefördert, zum eigenen Urteilen über Ungerechtigkeiten angeregt und zum selbstständigen Handeln für eine bessere Ein-haltung des Menschenrechtes motiviert werden.
Wir wünschen viel Spaß dabei!
In reviewing State Parties report on the implementation of the Charter, the Committee has identified children on the move as an emerging child protection issue in African, and therefore commissioned a study in view of making recommendations to tackle the problem in Member States. The Committee obse...rved that there were challenges with regard to upholding the rights and welfare of children on the move and that there are gaps on the type of protection measures and treatment that is be accorded to such children within our beloved Continent.
The study presents key drivers of the children on the move, migration routes, challenges faced by children on the move, policy and institutionalized content protecting children on the move and finally the way forward.
31 October 2018 Issue n° 8
ISSN: 2406-5625
Manual for use in primary care
В основе настоящих руководящих принципов лежит структура организации мероприятий в соответствии с тремя задачами:
• создание и укрепление механизмов комплексно...го предоставления услуг ПИН;
• уменьшение совокупного бремени ТБ, ВИЧ, вирусного гепатита и других сопутствующих патологий у ПИН посредством комплексного предоставления всеобъемлющих услуг; и
• обеспечение стандарта медико-санитарной помощи в тюрьмах, аналогичного стандарту оказания медикосанитарной помощи вне тюрем, за счет гармонизации мер вмешательства и налаживания связи со службами на уровне сообщества.
UNICEF trucks water to the camps where people displaced by the conflict have temporarily settled. UNICEF also installed latrines, showers and water storage tanks in the camps and distributed family hygiene kits to protect children against waterborne diseases.
Update of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme
(mhGAP) Guideline for Mental, Neurological and Substance use Disorders May 2015
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018