Government of Nepal has an obligation to ensure availability of affordable and high quality basic health care services to its population
An 82 percent funding gap is putting the lives of 2.5 million people in north-west Syria at risk this winter.
The first cholera case in north-west Syria was confirmed on 19 September. See below for the latest updates.
On 17 September, at least six airstrikes were reported in Idleb, 10 away from the road used by the 7th cross-line convoy. One man was injured.
On 27 September, an airstrike reportedly hit in the vicinity of five IDP camps in Idleb, near the Bab AlHawa border crossing, injuring a woman, child and seven men.
HNAP recorded 19,545 new internal displacements in north-west Syria in September – the highest record so far in 2022 - largely driven by the deteriorating economy.
The overall goal of this strategy is to ensure accurate understanding of the
benefits of covid-19 vaccination and alleviate apprehension about the vaccine, to ensure its acceptance and encourage uptake across various audiences.
x Create demand, promote acceptability and accessibility o...f COVID-19
vaccine among at least 90% of the general public.
x Develop appropriate messages and identify channels to communicate
the potential benefits and risks of the vaccine to all concerned parties,
including decision-makers at all levels.
x Provide timely and accurate information to address misinformation,
rumors and other crisis situations.
x Effectively mobilize and empower communities to ensure participation
and ownership of the vaccination process
x Strengthen communication mechanisms and partnerships among key
stakeholders to support the national communication effort.
Infection Prevention and Control Programmes
January 2020
Accessed Online January 2019