На основе эпидемиологического исследования за период 2000–2012 годов выявлены высокие показатели общей и первичной заболеваемости детского и подросткового населен...я в Российской Федерации и по всем федеральным округам. Установлено увеличение числа инвалидов среди детей и подростков при снижении коечных мест и тенденции сокращения числа детских и подростковых психиатров в психиатрических службах субъектов. Сложившаяся ситуация требует дальнейшего пересмотра подходов к оказанию психиатрической помощи несовершеннолетним лицам. Необходимо избежать сокращения объемов психиатрических ресурсов. Однако комплекс организационных мероприятий немыслим без адекватного финансового обеспечения территориальных программ оказания психиатрической помощи, в том числе на основании выполнения Программы государственных гарантий
бесплатного оказания гражданам медицинской помощи и выделения субсидий на диспансеризацию,
лечение и профилактику.
Recognition, Assessment and Treatment
National Clinical Guideline Number 159
Environmental Pollution
Данный документ содержит проект Европейского плана действий по охране психического здоровья, который соответствует четырем приоритетным направлениям, намеченны...м в новой рамочной основе европейской политики в поддержку здоровья и благополучия – Здоровье-2020, и который будет непосредственно способствовать реализации этой политики.
Gesundheit leistet einen grundlegenden Beitrag für ein erfülltes und zufriedenes Leben. Gesundheit ist ein zentrales Menschenrecht, eines der höchsten Güter aller Menschen und zugleich wesentliche Voraussetzung für soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung und Stabilität. Gesundheit ...kann weltweit nur sichergestellt und verbessert werden durch gemeinsames globales Handeln.
Europe PMC Funders Group
Author Manuscript
Arch Dis Child. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 November 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Arch Dis Child. 2013 May ; 98(5): 323–327. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-302079.
Глобальный психосоциальный стресс перехода человечества к информационнокомпьютерной цивилизации совпал в России с расколовшим страну постсоветским синдромом. ...ассовое сознание нашего народа подвергается двойным перегрузкам: извне и изнутри. Цель статьи — междисциплинарный анализ и варианты прогноза ситуации, свя-анной с состоянием психического здоровья населения России.
Materialien der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit reproduzieren teils Vorurteile und Stereotypen. Doch wie und in welchem Umfang tun sie das genau? Bisher fehlten systematische Untersuchungen. glokal hat über einhundert Materialien für eine Dokumentation ausgewertet.
Universal health coverage ensures everyone has access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship as a result. In December 2012, a UN resolution was passed encouraging governments to move towards providing universal access to affordable and quality health care services. As ...countries move towards it, common challenges are emerging -- challenges to which research can help provide answers.
The Perinatal Mental Health Project (PMHP) provides training to health
workers and community-based workers involved in caring for mothers. This
handbook is intended as a supplement to this training programme and as a
resource to anyone involved with mothers and mothers-to-be.
The handbook should... be used in an active way: use it and add to it as best
suits your local setting. The intended outcome of this handbook is to improve
the quality of service offered to women in emotional distress and to
meet the needs of maternal health workers, like you, who want to be better
equipped in this task.
The handbook covers a range of topics. Each chapter has a clear set of
learning objectives and a summary. Some chapters include practical activities
which should help with linking the theory with your practice.
Resource Guide for Advanced Learning
This operational guidance on MHPSS provides a practical orientation and tools for UNHCR country operations. It covers specific points of good practice to consider when developing MHPSS programming and offers advice on priority issues and practical difficulties, while also providing some background i...nformation and definitions. Since MHPSS is a cross cutting concept this operational guidance is relevant for programming in various sectors, including health, community based protection, education, shelter, nutrition, food security and livelihoods.
The focus of this operational guidance is on refugees and asylum seekers, but it may apply to other persons of concern within UNHCR operations such as stateless persons, internally displaced persons and returnees. The guidance is meant for operations in both camp and non-camp settings, and in both rural and urban settings in low and middle-income countries with a UNHCR presence.
The guidance should be adapted according to different contexts. A standardized format for programme implementation cannot be offered because this depends to a large extent on existing national capacities and local opportunities.
his manual is for people who have had no formal training in counselling but wish to learn the necessary components to establishing an effective counselling relationship. It will be useful for anyone who is involved in counselling people with a mental health problem.
h...is manual aims at providing counsellors with information about the basic skills required in counselling in a practical and simple to understand format. It is meant to accompany the Healthy Activity Program (HAP) and Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP) manuals for counselling patients with depression and harmful/dependent drinking in primary care settings.
The Healthy Activity Program manual aims at providing counsellors like you with information about counselling patients with moderate to severe Depression in primary care settings.
A set of 5 training videos on child mental health created by the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health.
The research team produced five short training videos, modelling an HEW interviewing mothers of children with autism or intellectual disability to demonstrate skills in early detection, supportive... counselling and problem solving. The videos are produced in Amharic (the official Ethiopian language) – a version with English transcripts and subtitles is also available.
In addition, a ‘Mental Health Guide’ was produced that reinforces the training provided in the associated HEAT module, and extends training in childhood developmental and mental health problems.
African Health Sciences 2013; 13(2): 219 - 232 http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v13i2.4