Le présent Plan National de Développement Sanitaire (PNDS) couvre la période 2009-2018. Il s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’accélération de la mise en œuvre des différents programmes de prévention et d’offres de services de santé. Son objectif est de contribuer à l’atteinte des o...bjectifs du Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté et des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement.
Le PNDS 2009-2018 est le document de référence pour l’ensemble des acteurs du secteur de la santé. Je les engage donc, ainsi que tous les partenaires à se l’approprier et à contribuer à sa mise en œuvre performante.
Education material for teachers of midwifery
Midwifery education modules - second edition
Training On The Misp For Sexual And Reproductive Health In Crisis Part 2
The publication of the Second Edition of the Emergency Drug Guidelines represents the culmination of the efforts of the National Drugs and Therapeutics Committee (NDTC) to publish clinical drug guidelines for common diseases seen in Fiji. These guidelines are targeted for health care professionals w...orking at hospitals and at the primary health care settings. It sets the gold standard for the use of drugs in the treatment of emergency medical conditions in Fiji. The guidelines have taken into account the drugs available in the Fiji Essential Medicines Formulary (EMF), 2006 Edition, in recommending treatment approaches. All recommended therapies are either evidencebased or universally accepted standards
This section deals with implementing and improving infection control practices in hospitals, health centres and other health services in the outbreak area. It explains the need for, and implementation of, effective triage procedures, and basic requirements for infection control and supporting activi...ties. Further guidance can be found in the MSF Infection Control Guideline
2nd edition. Essential guideline for humanitarian assistance