Q1: What are the effective maternal mental health interventions to prevent developmental problems in early infancy?
Q5: What is the added advantage of doing an electroencephalography (EEG) in people with convulsive epilepsy in non- specialist settings in low and middle income countries?
Q8. Should Anti-Epileptic Drug (AED) treatment be started after first unprovoked seizure in non-specialist health settings?
Moving avidence into action
This document is part of a series of briefs for health program managers interested in implementing evidence-based programs. With a special emphasis on underutilized interventions, they present evidence on programs that work and provide guidance and resources for replicat...ion.
In Kenya, the bacterial infections that contribute most to human disease are often those in which re-‐sistance is most evident. Examples are multidrug-‐resistant enteric bacterial pathogens such as typhoid, ... diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli and invasive non-‐typhi salmonella, penicillin-‐resistant Streptococcus pneu-‐moniae, vancomycin-‐resistant enterococci, methicillin-‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multidrug-‐re-‐sistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Resistance to medicines commonly used to treat malaria is of particu-‐lar concern, as is the emerging resistance to anti-‐HIV drugs. Often, more expensive medicines are required to treat these infections, and this becomes a major challenge in resource-‐poor settings.
Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2011 Dec;13(6):493-9. doi: 10.1007/s11920-011-0229-8.
MEASURE Evaluation PRH Working Paper Series
A Joint Statement by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund.