Immunization is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions to date, saving an estimated 2 to 3 million lives each year. As a direct result of immunization, the world is closer than ever to eradicating polio, and deaths from measles – a major child killer – have declined by 73 per... cent worldwide between 2000 and 2018, saving an estimated 23.2 million children’s lives. The emergence of COVID-19, however, threatens to reverse this progress by severely limiting access to life-saving vaccines.
During theC OVID-19 crisis, the hospital observed a reduction of about 50% in inpatient visits for palliative care. Some patients postponed appointments given the risk of potential infection. Instead of in-person visits, weekly phone calls and remote follow-up were given priority.Palliative care is ...also needed for COVID-19 patients. It is of utmost importance for humanizing care so that it is effective and aligned with the expectations of patients.
Accessed: 21.03.2019
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
Accessed: 10.03.2019
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
Strengthening supply chains to meet the growing demand for family planning will require systems diagnostics, supply chain redesign or adjustments, strategically located storage and distribution systems, adequate staffing and training, and better information about inventory and financing.
This volume on CVDs, renal, and respiratory disorders has particularly high value. It carries the potential to become the most effective game-changer in global health by helping all countries to combat, contain, and control the biggest killer presently prowling the globe and by enabling us to reach ...the 2030 goals for NCDs and health overall. As one who has witnessed the epidemic of CVDs advance menacingly across the world in the past four decades, I fervently hope that the clear and convincing messages conveyed by the extensively researched and elegantly communicated analyses in this volume will be heard, heeded, and harmonized with policy and practice in all countries.
Large file: 33 MB. Please download directly from the website link.
WHO's Severe acute malnutrition with medical complications kit (SAM/MC) kit is a standard kit designed to provide medical treatment for 50 children under five suffering from severe malnutrition with medical complications. The SAM/MC kit includes antibiotics, antifungal, de-worming, antimalarial and ...anti-scabies medicines, and a rehydration mix specific to treat cases of severe acute malnutrition
The document contains preliminary report on all aspects of WHO’s response in the Ebola outbreak. WHO Member States will discuss the report at the sixty-eighth World Health Assembly.