Evite Maladi Apre Yon Dezas
Over the period 2015 to 2019, scaling up a package of selected nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive interventions to cover 90 per cent of Sudan would:
- Reduce the under-five mortality rate to 49/1,000 live births
- Reduce the prevalence of stunting to 25 per cent
- Reduce the ...prevalence of wasting (global acute malnutrition – GAM) to 6 per cent
- Increase exclusive breastfeeding to 63 per cent
- Reduce iron deficiency anaemia among pregnant women to 26 per cent.
Vision Statement
From birth to 8 years of age, all children of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar will receive holistic, high-quality and developmentally-appropriate care from their parents, caregivers and service providers to ensure they will be happy, healthy, well nourished, socially adept..., emotionally balanced and well protected in conditions of freedom, equity and dignity in order to contribute positively to their families, communities and the nation.
The current guidelines on Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM), addresses the issue of improved management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM), particularly in children under 5 years of age. In the absence of standard protocols, mortality in children admitted to hospital with SAM can ra...nge between 20 -30% with the highest levels of 50-60% among those with oedematous malnutrition. With modern treatment regimens and improved access to treatment, case-fatality rates can be reduced to less than 5%. These provincial guidelines on IMAM in KZN, includes inpatient care protocols on the management of SAM, and outpatient and community outreach components to manage moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and prevent deterioration to SAM.
The Ministry of Health conducted STEPS surveys on adult risk factors surveillance in Myanmar in 2003, 2009 and 2014. Amongst these three surveys, the 2014 one is the most comprehensive, providing an analysis of all States and Regions within Myanmar through not only questionnaires and physical measur...ements – STEPs 1 and 2 of the survey – but also with data obtained through biochemical measurements (STEP 3).
The STEPS survey was initiated by the Ministry of Health in December 2014 with the technical support of WHO Headquarters, regional and country offices.
Project on Minimum Standards and Non-Binding Guidelines for First Responders Regarding Planning, Training, Procedure and Equipment for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents
CARE International’s Personal Safety & Security Handbook has been developed to provide practical personal safety and security advice and guidance to all staff working in CARE offices and field sites throughout the world.
Each section has a detailed list of contents at the beginning and cut-ou...t tabs to allow fast access to topics. Symbols and easy referencing are used throughout the handbook to help you find what you need quickly.
La Politique de protection de l’enfance de CBM s’appuie sur la Convention des Nations unies relatives aux droits de l’enfant de 1989 (et sur ses protocoles facultatifs), sur la législation allemande en matière de protection de l’enfance, sur les législations nationales des pays dans lesqu...els CBM mène ses actions ainsi que sur les normes proposées par la coalition Keeping Children Safe. Nous avons développé cette politique parce que garantir le respect de la dignité de tous les enfants et assurer leur sécurité comptent parmi les principes fondamentaux du travail de CBM. Dans le cadre de cette politique, est considérée comme enfant toute personne âgée de moins de 18 ans. CBM s’engage à créer un environnement garantissant la sécurité des enfants. Pour ce faire, nous investissons dans les ressources nécessaires à l’application des procédures détaillées dans ce texte.
A Reference Guide for Program Managers and Policy Makers. Recently, a renewed interest in large-scale community health worker (CHW) programs has been seen globally. This renewal provides an opportune moment to take stock of issues and challenges such programs face and what can be done to make them a...s effective as possible. With this in mind, this manual is intended to be used a practical guide for policymakers and program managers wishing to develop or strengthen a CHW program, drawing lessons from other countries that have implemented CHW programs at-scale
Ces recommandations donnent aux personnes et aux familles vivant dans les zones touchées par le virus Ebola l'essentiel des conduites à tenir pour se protéger d'une maladie mortelle