Die WHO hat mit Hilfe der Delphi-Methode eine klinische Falldefinition für das Post-COVID-19-Syndrom entwickelt, die 12 Domänen umfasst und in allen Bereichen verwendet werden kann. Diese erste Version wurde von Patienten, Forschern und anderen Personen aus allen WHO-Regionen entwickelt, wobei dav...on ausgegangen wird, dass sich die Definition ändern kann, wenn sich neue Erkenntnisse ergeben und sich unser Verständnis der Folgen von COVID-19 weiterentwickelt.
Die Post-COVID-19-Erkrankung tritt bei Personen mit einer wahrscheinlichen oder bestätigten SARS-CoV-2-Infektion in der Anamnese auf, in der Regel drei Monate nach dem Auftreten von COVID-19 mit Symptomen, die mindestens zwei Monate anhalten und nicht durch eine andere Diagnose erklärt werden können. Zu den häufigen Symptomen gehören Müdigkeit, Kurzatmigkeit, kognitive Störungen, aber auch andere Symptome, die sich im Allgemeinen auf das tägliche Leben auswirken. Die Symptome können nach der anfänglichen Genesung von einer akuten COVID-19-Episode neu auftreten oder nach der ersten Erkrankung fortbestehen. Die Symptome können auch schwanken oder im Laufe der Zeit wieder auftreten.
For humanitarian organisations to respond effectively to complex crises, they require access to up-to-date evidence-based guidance. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of updating global guidance to context-specific and evolving needs in humanitarian settings. Our study aimed to under...stand the use of evidence-based guidance in humanitarian responses during COVID-19. Primary data collected during the rapidly evolving pandemic sheds new light on evidence-use processes in humanitarian response.
The recently published World Health Organization (WHO) Strengthening infection prevention and control in primary care document collates existing standards, measurement and implementation approaches, and resources for infection prevention and control (IPC) in primary care. During its development, it ...became apparent that a number of already existing tools and resources have the potential to support facility-level implementation of IPC in primary care.
This toolkit brings together in one place a number of these tools and resources from WHO and other organizations, with a focus on those most relevant to primary care. These tools and resources have been compiled to support facility-level implementation in line with the recommended WHO IPC Hub and Task Force multimodal approach.
WHO has developed a clinical case definition of post COVID-19 condition by Delphi methodology that includes 12 domains, available for use in all settings. This first version was developed by patients, researchers and others, representing all WHO regions, with the understanding that the definition ma...y change as new evidence emerges and our understanding of the consequences of COVID-19 continues to evolve.
Post COVID-19 condition occurs in individuals with a history of probable or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection, usually 3 months from the onset of COVID-19 with symptoms and that last for at least 2 months and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. Common symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction but also others and generally have an impact on everyday functioning. Symptoms may be new onset following initial recovery from an acute COVID-19 episode or persist from the initial illness. Symptoms may also fluctuate or relapse over time.
Every country has been affected by COVID-19, with nearly a quarter
of a billion cases and almost 5 million deaths reported globally as of
end of September 2021. Despite the stunning speed with which highly
effective and safe vaccines have been developed, new waves of disease
are still pushin...g health systems to the breaking point, increasingly
transmissible variants are emerging, some survivors are suffering
serious long-term sequelae, and the International Monetary Fund
estimates that global economic losses could exceed US$5.3 trillion
by 2026, if COVID-19 becomes endemic.
Although over 6 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have already been
administered, and global production is now reaching 1.5 billion doses
per month, the world is not positioned to end the pandemic. In areas of
high vaccine coverage, there have been massive reductions in serious
disease, hospitalization and death but, globally, vaccine access is highly
inequitable with coverage ranging from 1% to over 70%, depending
largely on a country’s wealth. Consequently, SARS CoV-2 variants
continue to emerge, causing surges of disease and slowing or even
reversing the reopening of societies and economies.
Orientations provisoires
9 août 2021
Le présent document vise à décrire un ensemble minimal d'activités de surveillance recommandées au niveau national pour détecter et surveiller la prévalence relative des variantes du SRAS-CoV-2 et à présenter un ensemble d'activités pour la caractér...isation et l'évaluation du risque que présentent ces variantes. k posés par ces variants. Un ensemble d'indicateurs est également fourni pour normaliser la surveillance et la déclaration publique de la circulation des variants.
Ce document est principalement destiné aux autorités de santé publique nationales et infranationales et aux partenaires qui soutiennent la mise en œuvre de la surveillance des variantes du SRAS-CoV-2.
Orientaciones provisionales
9 de agosto de 2021
El presente documento tiene por objeto describir un conjunto mínimo de actividades de vigilancia recomendadas a nivel nacional para detectar y supervisar la prevalencia relativa de las variantes del SRAS-CoV-2 y esbozar un conjunto de actividades pa...ra la caracterización y evaluación del riesgo que plantean estas variantes. También se ofrece un conjunto de indicadores para normalizar la vigilancia y la notificación pública de la circulación de variantes.
El documento está dirigido principalmente a las autoridades de salud pública nacionales y subnacionales y a los socios que apoyan la aplicación de la vigilancia de las variantes del SRAS-CoV-2