The Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008, presents evidence-
based recommendations on the preferred methods for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of patient-
care medical devices and for cleaning and disinfecting the healthcare environment. This docume...nt
supercedes the relevant sections contained in the 1985 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guideline for
Handwashing and Environmental Control. 1 Because maximum effectiveness from disinfection and
sterilization results from first cleaning and removing organic and inorganic materials, this document also
reviews cleaning methods. The chemical disinfectants discussed for patient-care equipment include
alcohols, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, iodophors, ortho-phthalaldehyde, peracetic
acid, phenolics, quaternary ammonium compounds, and chlorine. The choice of disinfectant,
concentration, and exposure time is based on the risk for infection associated with use of the equipment
and other factors discussed in this guideline. The sterilization methods discussed include steam
sterilization, ethylene oxide (ETO), hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, and liquid peracetic acid. When
properly used, these cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization processes can reduce the risk for infection
associated with use of invasive and noninvasive medical and surgical devices. However, for these
processes to be effective, health-care workers should adhere strictly to the cleaning, disinfection, and
sterilization recommendations in this document and to instructions on product labels.
Community health workers (CHWs) play a significant role in Primary health Care due to their proximity to households, communities and the health care system. Many studies focus on CHWs and the work they do. However, few have examined their experiences and identity and how that might influence how the...y view and perform their roles. The objectives of the study were to: Describe the role of CHWs in community-based health care in Northern Cape, Identify the perceived barriers and enablers to CHWs role performance, Explore CHWs views regarding the support from the communities and the formal healthcare system in Northern Cape. An exploratory qualitative design using focus groups was adopted. Forty-six (46) CHWs were purposively selected using the critical case sampling approach. Data were collected through three focus group interviews in three regions. Analysis followed the Graneheim & Lundman thematic analysis. Three themes emerged from data: perceived contribution to Primary Health Care, recognition of CHWs role, measures to improve working conditions. Findings showed that CHWs were engaged in various health and social care roles, they believed that they made a significant contribution to PHC, and that the health system persistently relied on their services. The enabler for finding meaning in their work was the positive community response and the good relations they had with the team leaders. The major barrier was the structure of the CHWs programme and the perceived lack of support by the government. The complex issues CHWs address in the community call for a review of their roles and workload as well as the support they receive from the formal healthcare system.
This is the first global report on epilepsy summarizing the available evidence on the burden of epilepsy and the public health response required at global, regional and national levels.
The reports highlights major gaps in awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and health policies through a series of a...ppalling numbers. With around 50 million people affected worldwide, epilepsy is one of the most common and serious brain disorders. Nearly 80% of people with epilepsy live in low-income and middle-income countries
Clinical management standard operating procedures.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a life-threatening multisystem illness associated with fever and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms that frequently leads to hypovolaemia, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycaemia, and multi-organ failure. The prolonged 2013–201...6 EVD outbreak in West Africa allowed for an evolution of care such that by outbreak end many patients received individualized and optimized supportive care (oSoC), including volume resuscitation, symptom control, laboratory and bedside monitoring of glucose, electrolyte levels and organ dysfunction, as well as rapid detection and treatment of co-infections, potentially contributing to the downward trend in the case fatality rate (CFR).
This guidance should serve as a foundation for oSoC that should be followed to ensure both the best possible chance for survival and allow for reliable comparison of investigational therapeutic interventions as part of a randomized controlled trial. This guideline provides recommendations for the management of adults and children.
NICE guideline | This guideline covers recognising, assessing and treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children, young people and adults. It aims to improve quality of life by reducing symptoms of PTSD such as anxiety, sleep problems and difficulties with concentration. Recommendations ...also aim to raise awareness of the condition and improve coordination of care.
Harm Reducation, Decriminalization and Zero Discrimination for People who use Drugs
The mhGAP community toolkit: field test version is an integral part of WHO's Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP), and aims at scaling up services for people with mental health conditions to achieve universal health coverage.
The toolkit provides guidance for programme managers on how to i...dentify local mental health needs and tailor community services to match these needs. It offers practical information and necessary tools for community providers to promote mental health, prevent mental health conditions and expand access to mental health services.
This booklet provides an overview of all findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Published in The Lancet in November 2018, GBD 2017 provides for the first time an independent estimation of population, for each of 195 countries and territories and the globe, using a standardized, repli...cable approach, as well as a comprehensive update on fertility. Produced with the input of 3,676 collaborators from 146 countries and territories, GBD 2017 incorporates major data additions and improvements, and methodological refinements. GBD 2017 also includes estimates at the subnational level for selected locations.
This curricula guide builds on several existing products of WHO and partners, aimed at supporting countries in their effort to address the first objective of the GAP-AMR (to improve awareness and understanding of AMR). It is targeted specifically at health educators and policy planners, and applies ...a systematic modular and submodular collection of learning objectives and outcomes that are organized according to the key occupational groups involved in the use of antimicrobials in human health. It is hoped that educators, faculties of heath personnel training institutions, health regulatory institutions and other users will find it a useful resource in meeting their respective needs for strengthening health workers’ contributions to containing AMR.
Human Rights Watch defiende los derechos de personas en todo el mundo. Investigamos
exhaustivamente casos de abuso, exponemos ampliamente los hechos y exigimos a
quienes están en el poder que respeten los derechos y garanticen medidas de justicia.
Human Rights Watch es una organización internac...ional independiente cuya labor se
inscribe en un movimiento dinámico por la dignidad humana y la defensa de los derechos
humanos para todos.
In Paraguay, 1.8% of the population are indigenous people. The Maká community
29 mainly live in urbanized areas in the Central Region. This study focuses on the epidemiology
30 of tuberculosis (TB) among indigenous Maká and the non-indigenous people living in the
31 Central Region, the biggest ...metropolitan area of the Paraguay.
January 2019
Non Communicable Disease Control Programme Directorate General of Health Services Health Services Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare