Le Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale a créé une Cellule de Santé Communautaire (CSC) rattachée à la Direction Générale de la Santé pour impulser, organiser et coordonner la santé communautaire. Un document de Politique de santé communautaire a également été élaboré pour... servir de cadre de référence et d’outil de régulation et d’orientation des initiatives communautaires. Un Plan Stratégique National de Santé Communautaire (PSNSC) opérationnalise la Politique de santé communautaire et fixe les priorités du secteur dans les cinq prochaines années (2014 – 2018).
L’objectif de la Politique de santé communautaire est de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité, de la mortalité et des handicaps, avec la pleine participation des communautés.
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
Flipchart on safe burial. Aimed at community
Ebola Deeply is an online web portal and news site designed to provide accurate and timely information about the Ebola health crisis, with an emphasis on providing context and countering misinformation. Launched in October 2014, this digital media project involves a team of freelance journalists and... technologists who feature a mix of original articles, op-eds, and content from the Associated Press and other news organisations. A key feature of the site is the Ebola Files section, a collection of text and interactive materials covering basic information, the history of the Ebola virus, scientific perspectives, and stories about survivors. There is also an interactive map of recent cases and death rates, a timeline of events, and videos
Cette liste de contrôle devrait aider les pays à évaluer et à tester leur niveau de préparation pour faire face à la propagation de maladie à virus Ebola. Elle doit également servir d'outil pour identifier des actions concrètes à prendre et les moyens pour la communauté internationale de ...les appuyer pour combler les lacunes potentiellement existantes.
An interactive lesson about Ebola. Covers a wide range of topics. Aimed at communities and schools. Best viewed via DVD (available from TME website), but see link provided.
This lesson is available in two formats – our classic interactive DVD, or a new online viewable format, TMElite. Both have ...versions translated into English, French, Krio and Runyankole (Hausa and Yoruba on their way).
This guide is a resource for future health professionals who want to learn about and engage in abortion issues. Abortion is a critical but often neglected area of women’s rights, women’s health and health science education. The guide ences students was developed for health sciences students -inc...luding students in medicine, nursing, midwifery, pharmacology, public health and other related fields
Read the full manifesto: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Sign the manifesto: http://bit.ly/1cQReJ0
This manifesto for transforming public health calls for a social movement to support collective public health action at all levels of society. Our aim is to respond to ...the threats we face: threats to human health and wellbeing, threats to the sustainability of our civilisation, and threats to the natural and human-made systems that support us.
Our vision is for a planet that nourishes and sustains the diversity of life with which we co-exist and on which we depend. Our goal is to create a movement for planetary health.
A tutorial for healthcare professionals
This film is the Amharic version of our 'Steps to a normal delivery' film - an adaptation of our original 'Safe delivery' film with added voiceover.
Accessed 26 January 2015
WiderNet@UNC and the WiderNet Project have established the Ebola Emergency Response Library initiative to create a pocket library for people, especially local health care workers in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, responding to the Ebola crisis in Africa.
They are collecting high-quality digit...al resources for everyone from physicians and researchers to families, teachers, media outlets, social workers, and school children.
While this collection is available on the World Wide Web for those who have Internet access, the resources can be distributed on micro chips for use in smartphones, tablets, and laptops in places that lack internet access. The chips can be freely copied so that the information spreads faster than the disease.
The Internet version of the Ebola Pocket Library can be viewed at:
The downloadable version can be found here:
Download the Ebola Pocket Library