PLOS ONE | March 9, 2018
SAMJ Review Vol. 108 No.3
Best Practice for the Care of Patients with Tuberculosis: a Guide for Low-Income CountriesThe practical aspects of TB patient care from the onset of symptoms to the completion of treatment are covered in this guide.
The Community Action Research on Disability (CARD) programme in Uganda embraced and modified the EDR approach, recognising the need for including people with disability in the research process from concept to outcome, and nurturing participation and collaboration between all the stakeholders in achi...eving action-based research. T
Time for recognition of lay counsellors
Accessed November 2017
This is the first NAP on the Prevention and Containment of AMR in Kenya. It has been developed based on the National Policy on Prevention and Containment of AMR and the recommendations of the situation analysis on AMR conducted in 2011 and updated in 2016. This strategy provides a regulatory and imp...lementation framework to establish and strengthen systems to contain the emergence and spread of AMR. Implementation of this strategy will require substantial funding and high-level political commitment. Because AMR is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral issue, successful implementation of this strategy will require effective coordination and collaboration among different sectors.
The conduct of paediatric anaesthesia presents many unique challenges. One of the most striking is the variabilityof behaviour and responses of children and their parents at induction. Behavioural problems, the need for restraint,difficult IV accessandco-morbiditiesadd complexity and...can make the art of maintaining a calm and smooth induction incredibly difficult. This tutorial will discuss sixof the common problems that arise at induction and how these may best be overcome.
India | The ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Care, Protection and Rehabilitation of Children in Street Situations’, is a unique endeavour to streamline the processes and interventions regarding Children in Street Situations, based on the prevailing legal and policy framework.
User satisfaction with assistive devices is a predictor of use and an important outcome measure. This study evaluated client satisfaction with prosthetic and orthotic assistive devices and services in three provinces in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Clients were quite satisfied with the as...sistive device and services provided, yet many reported barriers to optimal device use and difficulties in accessing follow-up services. There is a need to examine how prosthetic and orthotic devices can be improved further for better comfort and ambulation on uneven ground in low-resource contexts and to address access barriers.
In this review, the editors will investigate the impact of eight WASH interventions in preventing (reducing the risk of) and controlling outbreaks in LMIC, with particular focus on three diseases of current concern to the response community – cholera, Ebola, and Hepatitis E. Additionally, we will ...explore economic outcomes related to WASH interventions within an outbreak
The Lancet Published Online September 13, 2016
In the last five years, i.e. how old turned the Campaign “Indifesa” (Defenceless) in 2016, that was launched by Terre des Hommes in 2012, the world has become smaller. One can actually say that the derangements following the Arab Spring in 2011 reshuffled what is stable and what produces instabi...lity; between those, who live in a peaceful world, and those, who try to survive in areas affected by violence. All that significantly reduced the distance between those, who live there, along the Mediterranean cost, and those, who live here. Such deep disorder made even more acute, visible and tangible also for the so called developed world all the serious violations of the human rights suffered by little girls and girls: on the one hand the widespread political instability and violence made even more precarious the little girls and young women’s conditions on the Mediterranean southern coast, where they were already fragile; and on the other hand the migration flows further worsened them, matching at the same time the conditions of those young and very young migrants to those of the European girls of the same age.
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0142290 November 9, 2015; 1 / 16