A Resource Book of Inclusive Practices
Lessons from the Africa Regional Stigma Training Programme
Supporting community action on AIDS in developing countries
The Sphere Handbook "Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response" is now available in Haitian Creole.
This translation has been coordinated by Oxfam Canada and funded by the following members of the Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER Canada): World Vision Canada,... Plan Canada, Oxfam Quebec, Development and Peace, CARE Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Save the Children Canada, Christian Children's Fund of Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada and Adventist Development and Relief Agency of Canada.
The scope of the Guidance is primarily the education in rural settings in Myanmar, but it covers some of the issues which have pan Myanmar implication and relevance. Considering the importance, complexity and vastness of the subject, similar type of initiatives on urban school and education system a...nd other issues needs to be taken up in future.
The Guidance has four sections namely Introduction to this Guidance, Rationale for Mainstreaming DRR in the Education Sector, How to Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction in Reconstruction Process of Education Sector in Myanmar and Creating an Enabling Environment for Safer Education. The Guidance also includes good practices of various agencies involved in Cyclone Nargis education sector recovery as example.
No publication year indicated.
Petersenet al.International Journal of Mental Health Systems2011,5:8http://www.ijmhs.com/content/5/1/8
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu...s on the management of abductions and kidnappings, a particular form of crisis requiring an especially tailoured response. The two papers seek to act as tools by which agencies can review and strengthen their crisis management mechanisms, so ensuring effective responses to critical incidents.