Module pour la formation de formateur
“mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings” is a technical tool for implementation of the mhGAP Programme. The Intervention Guide has been developed through a systematic review of evidence, followed by an international consul...tative and participatory process. It provides the full range of recommendations to facilitate high quality care at first- and second-level facilities by the non-specialist health-care providers in resource-poor settings
What is good ear care? Should we clean our ears? How can noise affect our ears?
Many myths and misconceptions are associated with ear problems and hearing loss. 360 million persons across the world have disabling hearing loss. About half of all these cases are easily prevented or treated. Following... good ear care practices, such as reducing exposure to noise, avoiding insertion of objects into the ears can prevent many from developing ear and hearing problems.
This brief animation features a young girl talking about her experience of ear pain. It depicts common home remedies and behaviour that can damage the ears, leading to hearing loss.