The National Institute of statistics of Rwanda (NISR) in collaboration with the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Program implemented the 2014-15 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (RDHS) to collect data for monitoring progress on health programs and policies in Rwanda. This publication ill...ustrates the profile of Eastern Province.
he National Institute of statistics of Rwanda (NISR) in collaboration with the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Program implemented the 2014-15 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (RDHS) to collect data for monitoring progress on health programs and policies in Rwanda. This publication illu...strates the profile of Northern Province.
The National Institute of statistics of Rwanda (NISR) in collaboration with the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Program implemented the 2014-15 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (RDHS) to collect data for monitoring progress on health programs and policies in Rwanda. This publication ill...ustrates the profile of Southern province
Deutsch-arabisches Handbuch für die Krankenhausbehandlung arabisch sprechender Patienten entwickelt vom syrischen Neurologen Eyad Rajab von der Alexianer Klinik Bosse Wittenberg.
Inhaltlich begleitet das Handbuch den gesamten Aufenthaltsprozess eines Patienten in der Klinik für Neurologie. Es er...fasst die zehn häufigsten neurologischen Notfälle bei jüngeren Patienten und klärt über dringende Untersuchungen auf.
Zu den wichtigsten neurologischen Differentialdiagnosen, die in dem Handbuch abgedeckt werden gehören: akuter Schmerz, insb. Kopfschmerz, Schlaganfall, akute Bewusstseinsstörung und Schwindel.
Das Manual ist in Hocharabisch verfasst. Es ist verständlich für Menschen aus arabischsprachigen Ländern sowie aus Teilen Afghanistans und Irans.
The document contains preliminary report on all aspects of WHO’s response in the Ebola outbreak. WHO Member States will discuss the report at the sixty-eighth World Health Assembly.
This short guide highlights the fundamentally similar approach to quality and accountability underlying both sets of standards and describes in some detail the similarities and differences between them. It compares the respective structures of the standards and notes their different emphases. It als...o highlights new elements contributed by the CHS that were not present in the Sphere Core Standards. Meant as interim guidance for Sphere practitioners as they begin bringing the CHS into their work
Arabic version of the Landmines, ERW and IED Safety Handbook.