Following the release of the Wheelchair Service Training Package – Basic level (WSTP-B), WHO in partnership with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has developed the Wheelchair Service Training Package – Intermediate Level (WSTP-I). WSTP-I is the second part of the WHO w...heelchair service training package series and focusses more on addressing the needs of people who have severe difficulties in walking and moving around and also having poor postural control . While developing this training package, special attention was given on the provision of appropriate wheelchairs for children who have poor postural control and are unable to sit upright independently.
Purpose of the training
The need for wheelchair personnel is universal. WSTP-I is designed to support the training of personnel or volunteers to provide an appropriate manual wheelchair and cushion for children and adults who need additional postural support to sit upright. The main purpose of this training package is to:
increase the number of wheelchair users who receive a wheelchair which meets their needs;
increase the number of personnel trained in intermediate level wheelchair service delivery;
improve the competencies of wheelchair service delivery personnel;
increase the quality of wheelchair service delivery for people who need a comparatively higher level of intervention than basic level;
include this training package in regular paramedical/rehabilitation training programmes;
achieve greater integration of wheelchair service delivery within rehabilitation services.
For the Assesor's Guide Vol 1 and 2 see:
Int J Ment Health Syst. 2013 Jan 9;7(1):2. doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-7-2.
Despite growing evidence on the impact of psychosocial support interventions, there is an urgent need for a stronger evidence base on approaches that effectively support children affected by armed conflict. To contribute to this evidence base, and building on a pilot study conducted in Uganda in 200...9, War Child conducted an exploratory outcome evaluation of its psychosocial support intervention ‘I DEAL’ in South Sudan and Colombia in 2012. The objective of the evaluation was to explore the outcomes that I DEAL achieves for children and the factors that influence the achievement of those outcomes to further inform and strengthen the intervention
DHS Working Papers No. 85
DHS Working Papers No. 88
education, wealth, mobility, employment, and media exposure
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 83
DHS Working Papers No. 98.
Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services
Le présent document est un manuel destiné au Dispensateur de Soins à Domicile (DSDOM) exerçant dans un site PECADOM. Il a pour objet de l’aider à prendre en charge de façon précoce et adéquate le paludisme, la diarrhée et les infections respiratoires aigües.
Les informations et les ...images contenues dans le manuel aideront le DSDOM d’une part à se familiariser avec les différentes pathologies décrites pour un diagnostic et un traitement adéquats et d’autre part à connaitre les messages clés à véhiculer sur la prise en charge et la prévention du paludisme, des IRA et de la diarrhée au niveau communautaire.
DIAGNOSING PTSD IN CHILDHOOD | The following literature review addresses the developmental and domain-specific consequences of previous and current diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in pre-adolescent children. PTSD was introduced in 1980 to capture extreme responses a traumatic event. I analyze the evolution of the disorder’s diagnostic criteria toward a more developmentally conscious structure. I also examine instances in which these criteria lack developmental consistency: (1) preschool PTSD is the only diagnostic subtype despite the fact that childhood development also differentiates traumatic expressions in older children from adolescents and adults; and (2) many of the PTSD epidemiological data that have been reanalyzed under the most recent (DSM-5) typology only refer to adolescent and adult samples although many researchers have
demonstrated that developmental alterations to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR criteria produce significantly higher prevalence rates in children.
Scant data exists on the prevalence of violence against children worldwide. However, available information, including the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, shows that violence against children is a global problem. This desktop study aims to glean from published... and grey literature the extent of sexual violence and exploitation against children in Lesotho. The goal of this study is to better understand the government of Lesotho's national response efforts to reduce violence against children.
DHS Analytical Studies No. 40