This field study to measure access to and use of medicines was undertaken in GHANA in May-June 2008. The study assessed information on the socio-economic level of households, and access to and use of medicines for acute and chronic conditions as well as opinions and perceptio...ns about medicines. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, six reference public heath care facilities were selected among those participating in the Level II Facility Survey that was carried out in parallel. Within defined distances from each reference public health care facility, households were selected by purposive cluster sampling. A total of 1065 household respondents were interviewed by means of a structured paper questionnaire
Consultancy to take forward the International Health Partnership
Paper commissioned for the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010, Reaching the marginalized
Guide for coordinators and data collectors - The WHO Operational Package for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating Country Pharmaceutical Situations is intended as a useful tool for researchers, policy-makers, planners and others who need to use standardized measurement tools to gather data and other... information. In addition, the operational package can be used by international agencies and donors, by professional groups and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
A Provisional Document. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to public health professionals tasked with managing a response to viral hepatitis. As every country’s needs are different with respect to its epidemiology and the current level of response, people would use this manual in di...fferent ways
Accessed 15th of October 2015
Die Verordnung (EU) Nr. 604/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Juni 2013 ist eine Verordnung der Europäischen Union, nach der der Mitgliedstaat bestimmt wird, der für die Durchführung eines Asylverfahrens zuständig ist. Die Verordnung tritt an die Stelle der Dublin-II-Verord...nung und wird auch Dublin-III-Verordnung genannt. Sie ist am 19. Juli 2013 in Kraft getreten und ist ihrem Art. 49 zufolge ab dem 1. Januar 2014 unmittelbar anzuwenden.
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Le règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil européen n°604-2013 du 26 juin 2013, dit « Règlement Dublin III », est un texte normatif de l'Union européenne, de 49 articles, consacré au règlement juridiqü du droit d'asile en vertu de la Convention de Genève (art. 51) dans l'Union euro...péenne pour des étrangers qui formulent une demande d'asile dans un pays et sont interpellés dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne.
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