The primary objectives of the 2017 TMIS are to measure the level of ownership and use of mosquito nets; assess coverage of intermittent preventive treatment for pregnant women; identify treatment practices, including the use of specific antimalarial medications to treat malaria among c...hildren age 6-59 months; measure the prevalence of malaria and anemia among children age 6-59 months; and assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices among adults with malaria.
This table provides estimates of key indicators for the country as a whole and for each of the 31 geographic regions in Tanzania. A comprehensive analysis of the 2017 TMIS data will be presented in a final report.
The Ministry of Health conducted STEPS surveys on adult risk factors surveillance in Myanmar in 2003, 2009 and 2014. Amongst these three surveys, the 2014 one is the most comprehensive, providing an analysis of all States and Regions within Myanmar through not only questionnaires and physical measur...ements – STEPs 1 and 2 of the survey – but also with data obtained through biochemical measurements (STEP 3).
The STEPS survey was initiated by the Ministry of Health in December 2014 with the technical support of WHO Headquarters, regional and country offices.
В этих новых руководящих принципах рекомендуется использовать упрощенный алгоритм скрининга, основанного на четырех клинических симптомах, для выявления ...иц, которым показана либо ПТИ, либо дальнейшая диагностика для выявления ТБ и других заболеваний.
Презентация на тему «Остановим туберкулез»
Accessed on 2019
Interim Guidance 31 march 2020
WHO has established a shipment mechanism to expedite and cover the costs of the shipment of clinical samples from patients with suspected COVID-19 from the country of collection to one of the WHO reference laboratories providing confirmatory molecular testing for COVI...D-19. This document explains the process and documentation required for shipment of specimens.
This report provides an overview of the key information gaps and limitations in interpreting existing COVID-19 data
Guide for COVID-19 Response in Kenya
The Big Idea of the Week delves deeper into a specific COVID-related topic. Each week, Big Idea tackles a specific area of COVID-19 and provides important information, guidelines, and messages for the public.
This brochure contains the most relevant information on the Zero Maternal Deaths from Haemorrhage initiative, promoted by CLAP/PAHO.
Advances in the treatment of pediatric cancer have made it possible to expand initiatives beyond cure and cover aspects such as early detection, continuity of treatment and reduction in toxicity. All this has paved the way for a more comprehensive vision of patient care, which means better chances o...f healing and a fuller life - objectives of the World Initiative against Childhood Cancer. Within this comprehensive care, psychosocial care includes the social, psychological, spiritual and functional dimensions of the disease process of patients. This series includes guidelines and standards based on evidence that guarantee the quality of said care. The standards are the result of discussion and review by different professionals from Latin America and the Caribbean. Module 1 focuses on psychosocial evaluation as a strategy to support the objectives of the World Initiative against Childhood Cancer, and as a tool for health professionals to gather the necessary information to offer these patients a comprehensive approach focused on well-being, adaptation to the disease process, and adherence to treatment.